The Club

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“We’ll have another full round, the usual.” The blonde, whose name I believe was Courtney, told the bartender. “Enough for our additional friends please.”

The boys and I had arrived five minutes ago, finding the girls with their dates already seated around a large booth. I was pretty sure all of the people here were already drunk off their asses.

It had been Harry’s job to whisper the names of all the people whose names I were expected to know. Names of which had already slipped my mind. I’d renamed them Barbie one two three and four. Does that make me Barbie Five?

No not me. Zoey, she’s the Barbie. I would never fit in with people like this. Just sitting here, I could already see the stares of guys at booths around us. I’d figured out quickly that almost everybody knew each other here. It was some party of all the Victoria Secret angels, with hot guy models. Not that I noticed that.

The second the Bartender arrived with the drinks, the girls passed out the shots. I watched as Zayn handed me one filled to the brim. I wasn’t even sure what kind of alcohol this was.

I turned my head, leaning in to whisper in Harry’s ear, “I don’t drink.” I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear me over the pounding music. I knew it was my job to become Zoey while I was here, but the point of this situation was that it was pretend. I refused to change who I am in the process. I’m not going to begin drinking for this.

Harry rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath. He quickly gulped down his shot, all in one, before slamming it down in front of me. He grabbed my shot glass and downed it, slamming it down in front of himself. He raised his hands, a large smile on his face.

I laughed, “Proud of yourself?”

He shrugged, “It’s an accomplishment. I’d challenge you to a duel, but apparently you don’t drink. Shoulda guessed.”

“You’re really going to drink all of my shots for me?” I glanced at him as he grabbed the new round of drinks, gulping down both of our shots. “You’re going to get so drunk.”

He smirked at me, “Well as long as you’re there to put me to sleep tonight, I think I’ll be fine.”

“You wish.” I snickered under my breath. Glancing back at the rest of the booth, I realized it was mainly empty. My eyes trailed over the crowd until I spotted Barbie one through four dancing. Well if you could even call it dancing. They each had two guys grinding on them. They moved their bodies in ways I didn’t even think possible. This was so out of my league.

“I’m guessing you want to go dance with your friends?” my head snapped to the side, noticing Zayn watching me.

Actually no I really didn’t. That’s the last thing I’d want to do. “Yeah, that would be fun!” I smiled at him, allowing him to take my hand and lead me out onto the dance floor.

I wasn’t really sure what I was supposed to do as Zayn and I walked towards the group of Barbies. I eyed them, watching them as they bent over, their hands sliding down their own bodies. I watched as their hips swayed back and forth, rocking in circular motions to the beat of the music.

I began copying their motions, realizing I probably looked more like a robot than an actual sexy dancer. I noticed Zayn laughing at me, his eyes sliding over my body as I tried to mimic the barbies. Well this was great; I already had my date laughing at me.

Zayn’s fingers slid down to my waist, his hands spinning me around so my front was pressed into him. He pulled my body close as he started dancing to the music. With the non-existent space between our bodies, I settled for following his movements. We’d begun hopping up and down, his hands sliding over my body. I placed my hands over his, sliding them down my waist slowly.

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