Victoria Secret

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“No way, Harry.” I crossed my arms, shaking my head frantically. “There is no way I’m doing this.”

Harry laughed as my lip started sticking out slightly, a pout forming on my face. “Peyton, you have to. If you’re gonna keep this ‘Zoey’ charade up, you’ve got to do this part as well.”

I groaned, “I am NOT parading around a stage wearing nothing but a bra and a very revealing pair of underwear. That doesn’t cover half my ass!”

Harry grinned, biting his lip slightly as his eyes traveled down my body for an instant before snapping up to meet my narrowed eyes, “I think that’s the point,  babe.”

I shook my head, “You’re an ass.” I turned around to look at the Victoria Secret lingerie hanging in front of me. There was no way I’d be doing a photo shoot in that.

Harry had managed to persuade me to walk around London with him today. He insisted that I had to see the city while I was here, and he’d be the perfect tour guide. I wouldn’t have agreed to come if I knew this was what he actually had in mind for our day.

“Peyton, it’s just a photo shoot. It’s not that bad. And I’ll be there the whole time, promise.” Harry insisted, his hand wrapping around my wrist.

“That actually makes it worse. They might not know it’s me, not Zoey up there, but you do.” I muttered, running a hand through my hair, my fingers starting to shake slightly. Harry and I both knew I’d end up in that photo shoot; it was just a matter of getting me up there.

“I can leave.”

I turned around quickly, my eyes widening, “No please, stay.” I said quickly. I slid my wrist down just enough for my hand to brush his. I tugged at his fingers, pulling him closer to me and into a hug. “You don’t need to leave, Harry. I just…” I paused, shaking my head. I’d never stood in front of a guy in lingerie before. Well I’m pretty sure Lucas has seen me at times, but that was only for a second while I changed clothes. And Lucas hardly count’s, I doubt he even looked at me the way I knew the people who will see those photos would be.

I pulled my head back, my eyes on Harry. Would he look at me that way? A part of me doubted it. How was I any different from Zoey? And he’d made it clear already; he’d seen every piece of her before.

The door suddenly opened, “Zoey, we need you to be dressed in two minutes. Hair and Make-up is ready for you.” The guy said, his eyes only briefly glancing over at Harry before he shut the door and left.

I squealed, going back to shaking my head frantically. I probably looked like some deranged robot.

“You’ll do fine, Peyton. Here, I’ll leave you to change. I’ll just be right outside your dressing room.”  Harry commented, leaning in to kiss my cheek. After meeting my eyes briefly, he turned and exited the room.

Before I could get myself to chicken out, I quickly yanked off my clothes, replacing them with the lace bra and underwear. I reached for the VS robe in the corner, slipping it over my attire. They could do Hair and makeup with this on. I wasn’t strutting around out there unless I absolutely had to.

I opened the door, almost walking into Harry who literally stood right outside my door. He looked shocked to see me, his eyes immediately running down my body. A flash of disappointment crossed his features when he saw the robe I wore before a smile appeared, “Look who finally came out. I was thinking I would have to go in and drag you out.”

I rolled my eyes, nudging him to the side so I could head out towards where I saw chairs waiting. I took a seat at the chair labeled ‘Zoey’.

It took the stylist only half an hour to tease my hair and apply make-up. I already had naturally clear skin, the only real make-up that needed to be applied was a thick layer of eyeliner and mascara to make my eyes pop. It felt weird; I usually never wore much eye make-up. Maybe a thin layer of mascara but that was it.

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