Eli Goldsworthy Moving On ~8~

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Eli felt every breath Serena took, every time she laughed, the heat of her being. They were currently resided in Eli’s living room; Eli was sitting on the couch while Serena stretched out, her head on his chest while he had his arms around her.

“Oh Fred, how you make me giggle,” Serena laughed.

The two were watching Fred, The Movie, Serena said it was her favorite. Eli didn’t really like it, he thought it was stupid and hated the high pitch of Fred’s voice, but when he had shared that opinion, Serena had punched him in the arm.

“Okay, kids,” Eli’s mother, CeCe came into the living room. “Aw!” she gushed, looking at Eli and Serena. “You two are the cutest. Bullfrog! Bring the camera, you have to see this!”

“Mom, no!” Eli groaned, he turned red and set his jaw.

“Aw!” Serena said. “Look at you blush!”

“Ok, fine. Forget it, Bullfrog!” CeCe smiled. “We have to leave anyway.” CeCe pushed her seventies like hair from her pretty face and looked at the two. “Have fun, be protected.”


“I’m going! Come on, Bullfrog!”

Eli’s father, Bullfrog, came out in a biker’s vest, black tee, and jeans. His black thinning hair was slicked back and he smiled at the two. Unlike his wife, he kept his mouth shut, only winking at his son.

Eli groaned. “Bye.”

“Use protection,” Bullfrog yelled.

Eli screamed out again, in frustration.

“Why are your parents so keen on using protection? They think we’ll have sex?” Serena asked, looking at Eli curiously.

“When Julia lived here,” Eli began.

“Say no more,” Serena said.

After a pause, realizing Serena wasn’t going to continue, Eli said, “That’s it?”

Serena sat up and sighed heavily. “What more do you want me to say? That’s none of my business. You and Julia had something special, I’m not gonna get all emotional over it.” Eli didn’t know what to say. “I thought we were having a movie night, not talking emotions. What is this? A sleepover?”

Eli laughed; he looked at the girl in front of him, unlike any other girl he had met before.

Eli grabbed Serena’s face and started to kiss her, putting all the feelings he had for this strange girl into that kiss. Serena responded instantly, kissing him as she held onto his torso.

This time there were no interruptions, no one to stop the sparks flying in that moment. It was just the two of them, their tongues’ moving together, excitedly.

Somehow, in the next few minutes, Serena ended up on top of Eli. He had one leg hanging off the side of the couch, Serena kneeled on either side of the leg he had on the couch. Serena’s full weight was on top of him, her hands stroking his sides under his shirt. She was sucking on his neck while he clutched her hips, sighing in content.

“Serena,” he moaned out.

Serena smiled against his neck, she licked the spot she had been sucking on before pulling back.

She moved black hair from his green eyes, staring at them deeply. “There’s something about you. I don’t usually kiss a guy this much so soon. I feel like we understand each other.” She laughed. “I sound like a Twilight character.”

“I like you a lot,” Eli said. “You didn’t leave, I really can’t tell you how much that’s means to me.”

Serena smiled, revealing her chipped tooth once again. She kissed his lips one final time before getting up. The lost weight made Eli want to pull her on him once again.

“I should go,” Serena said.

Eli walked her to the door and the two shared yet another passionate kiss. “Bye,” Serena whispered against his lips. She turned to leave, but Eli pulled her back, that one kiss wasn’t enough.

She turned again to go, but this time, Serena turned around. “One more,” she stated. Kissing him hard yet passionate, Serena ran into the night.

“Want a ride?” Eli called.

“No,” Serena said, a little too quickly. “Bye!” She blew a kiss and said, “Fred rules!” Before disappearing into the night.


Eli saw Serena walk up the steps to him, smiling more than he had ever seen her. She tossed herself into his arms, catching him off guard as well as causing him to stumble back a few feet.

“Why so happy?” Eli asked, holding her hips while she had her arms around his waist.

“Serena!” an angry voice yelled. The two turned to see Mr. Arnold coming out of his expensive car in an expensive suit. He was walking towards them, a mix of relief and anger on his face.

“Why does he always have to look like he belongs in Beverly Hills?” Serena mumbled.

“Why didn’t you come home last night?” Serena’s father yelled.

Eli looked at Serena, shocked. “You didn’t go home?” Then where was she for the past eight hours?

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