Choosing of The Ash

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You were in Trick's bar and Bo had just told you her plan to save the Stag.

"Bo. Are you serious? The Stag hunt is part of the selection of the new Ash." You said, looking at her. She looked at you and said,

"Yes, (Y/N). I'm serious. Sabine deserves her last request!" You sighed and said,

"Alright, Alright. What do we gotta do?" Bo looked at you and said,

"Really? You'll help?" You nodded and she smiled, finishing her plan.

Time skip to the Gala

You were wearing a (f/c) ball gown that gently hugged your curves. You had gotten to the gala earlier and were waiting for Bo, Trick, Hale, and Dyson. As you noticed a competitor with a green armband looking at you, you heard,

 "Wearing the blue, Baronet William Haley Francois Santiago: Clan Zamora." You turned and saw Bo, Trick, and Hale. You walked towards them and heard Bo say,

"Haley??" You chuckled as Hale said,

"One more word, just one more and I'll sing you to sleep and leave you in a corner." You smiled and walked up to Hale, saying,

"I voted already. I had an idea about your color arm band." He smiled and hugged you, saying,

"Well, I knew you'd get here earlier. So, I may have slipped you the color. After all, I couldn't let my girl vote for someone else." You smiled and said,

"Hale, I've told you many times....We are not an item. However, today, you can be my escort." Hale smiled and held out his arm to you, saying,

"I'll take what I can get." You took his arm and he lead you over to Bo. Bo was pointing out Hale's competition that she was going to take out of the running. Hale agreed to work the room and score some votes. You walked with Hale and after awhile, you said,

"Hey, I'm going to go get something to drink. Okay?" Hale nodded and you walked away. As you approached a waiter with champagne, you grabbed a cup and said,

"Thank you." You turned around and gasped, coming face-to-face with Mr. Green Armband. He smiled at you and said,

"Well, hello." You chuckled and said,

"Hi." He kissed your hand and said,

"I'm Lachlan. I do hope I got your vote today Miss..."

"(Last Name). (First Name) (Last Name)." You said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Lachlan smiled and said,

"Very nice to meet you...If you'll excuse me." You chuckled, softly, and walked up to Bo, saying,

"He's quite the charmer." Bo looked at you and said,

"Who?" You smirked and said,

"Mr. Green Armband over there. He tried to pull in my vote with his looks and that voice and..."

"(Y/N) are you falling for him?" Bo said, cutting off your thoughts. You looked at her and said,

"No. He's just....interesting." Bo smiled and said,

"Uh huh. Well, then, stop staring at him. Besides you need to be are the same as me. As a Succubus, it's not easy to love. You know that." You sighed and said,

"I know. But I don't have it as bad as you. I'm not undecided. I chose to be a light fae." Bo scoffed and said,

"You so have the hots for him." You rolled your eyes and said,

"Like hell I do."

Time skip to the hunt

You were in the woods with Bo and Kenzi. Lachlan, Hale, and a women were competing in the hunt. You sighed and the horn sounded. You looked around and said,

"Bo, that's the horn to start the hunt. Let's go." She nodded and you began to walk through the forest, to the bell. You saw Sabine running towards the bell and then you saw Lachlan with his bow at the ready. Bo's eyes widened and she said,

"Sabine! Hurry!" Lachlan shot his arrow and killed Sabine. When she was pronounced dead, the Blackthorn smiled and said,

"It looks like we have our new Ash." Lachlan walked up to Bo and said,

"So, you're the succubus that does whatever she pleases." Bo glared at him and he smirked, saying,

"Well, not anymore." As he walked past you he winked and you blushed lightly, looking away from him.

Time skip to the crowning

As Lachlan was crowned, you saw him look at you. He smirked and the crowed parted so Trick could pass. You walked out of the room with him and he looked at you, saying,

"Be careful around him, (Y/N). He isn't who he says." You looked at him and said "No. You're right, Trickster. He's a complete ass." Trick smiled and said,

"Come on. Let's go to the Dal. Drinks on me." You smiled and said,

"Sounds great."

"Excuse me." A voice said, behind you and Trick. The two of you turned around and Lachlan was there. He looked at Trick and said,

"Excuse us. Will you?" Trick looked at you and nodded, saying,

"I'll wait for you outside, (Y/N)." You nodded and watched as Trick walked away, leaving you alone with The Ash.

"So, you're the other succubus. You chose to be light fae." He said, smirking. You rolled your eyes and said,

"Great powers of deduction, oh wise one." He laughed and said,

"Well, good to know my servants are loyal." You glared at him and said,

"I work with The Ash, not for The Ash. Remember that." Lachlan looked at you and said,

"Don't be late for work tomorrow." You scoffed and said,

"I wouldn't dream about it."

Lachlan's POV

"I wouldn't dream about it." (Y/N) scoffed, turning away from me and leaving. I watched as she left and I had an urge to reach out to her. I smirked and thought,

'Working with a sexy succubus. This should be interesting.'

"Interested in the succubus, I see." I heard, the Blackthorn say from behind me. I looked at him and he smirked, saying,

"Be careful with that. Your interest in her could be just what she wants." I chuckled and said,

"Well, we shall see. Working with a succubus sounds terrible. Now that I've met her. It doesn't seem that bad." He looked at me, saying,

"Don't fool yourself. She is still a succubus." I looked at him and said,

"Well, we shall see."

An Ash in Love (Lachlan x reader) (Lost Girl Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now