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Reader's POV

I was laying in bed and the weight shifted. Turning to the other side, I looked up at Lachlan and he wrapped his arms around my waist, saying,

"I was lonely. Are you okay?" I snuggled into his chest and nodded, saying,

"I'm better now." Chuckling, he kissed my head and asked,

"Are you mad at me?" Looking at him, I raised a brow and questioned,

"What for?"

"Well, I know you and Bo are close. Or were..."

"Oh, you stupid idiot." I sighed, pressing my lips to his and making his next comment silent. Pulling away, I shook my head and sighed, responding,

"I don't blame you for that. Not in the slightest." He looked at me and I could tell he still wasn't sure. Sighing, I looked away from him and got up, getting dressed. He sat up and raised a brow, asking,

"Where are you going?"

"To The Dal. I need a drink." I answered, stretching and Lachlan ran his hands up my sides, asking,

"I have drinks here. Why do you have to go all the way there to drink?" Shuddering, I closed my eyes briefly and leaned back into his body, before shaking myself back into reality.

"No, I've got to go talk to Trick." I sighed, pulling away from him and starting to get dressed, he surprised me,

"I'm quite jealous of him...He's too close to you." Looking back at him, I buckled my belt and scoffed, saying,

"Trick is like a father to me. I've gotta ask him a favor. I'll be back as soon as possible." He looked at me and sighed, his hand trailing up my arm.

"Okay, but give me a kiss first. Yes?" He asked, standing up and placing his hands on my waist. I linked my fingers behind his neck and kissed him, softly. Pulling away, I looked into his brown eyes and smiled at him, whispering,

"I'll be back as soon as I can." The worry that crossed his face was evident and I placed a hand on his cheek, lovingly. He leaned into my hand and closed his eyes, sighing.

"I've really gotta go." I repeated, my hands going down to my sides and he leaned back onto the bed, letting me go.

As I left the compound, I called the Dal and Trick picked up,


"Hey, Trick! Do me a favor?"

"(Y/N)? Sure, I'll do my best."

"Just get Bo to the Dal. Please. I have to talk to her."

"I can do that."

"Thank you, Trick."

As we hung up, I sighed and drove all the way to the Dal, in anticipation. As I got there, I pulled my hair back and got out of the car, taking note of the goon squad from the Ash's compound. Walking into the Dal, I saw Bo sitting at the bar with Kenzi and as I approached, Kenzi looked to the ground.

"Bo, can we talk?" I asked, making her turn around and she looked at me, then past me.

"Not with him here." She huffed, scowling and turning towards the bar, again. Turning around, Lachlan was leaning against the doorway and he replied,

"I can't help it, (Y/N). Besides, I needed to talk to Hale." He walked over to Hale and Dyson, leaving me to talk to Bo. I looked at Trick and leaned over the counter, asking,

"Can her and I go talk in your lair?" Trick looked up at me and nodded, leaving me to go tell Bo. Walking over to her, I touched her shoulder and she looked at me, as I said,

"Trick said we can go talk in the lair...Please Bo." I put my hands together and begged her, silently.

"Fine, fine. Just us." She replied, standing up and going down to the lair. As I passed Trick, I placed a hand on his shoulder and thanked him, silently. Walking down to his lair, Bo stood in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest and asked,

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Us. As friends. I get it, I screwed up, but I can't keep going with this silence. I enjoy our friendship." I replied, placing my hands on my hips and huffing, as I finished,

"I just want us to be friends. I want it to go back to normal."

"Kinda hard, seeing as you're dating the Ash-hole now." She countered, her eyes burning holes into me and I rubbed the back of my neck, saying,

"Please Bo." She looked at me and sighed, pulling me into a hug. As I hugged her back, she squeezed me and replied, emotionally,

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). You're my friend...I should be able to deal with this. We can deal with it together." She pulled away from me and held me by the shoulders, joking,

"If you marry him, though. I'm the maid of honor. I call it." Laughing, I nodded and replied,

"Deal." Laughing together, we walked back up to the Dal and Lachlan was sitting at the bar, talking to Trick.

"Let's drink to celebrate!" Bo suggested, pushing me towards Lachlan and following suit, sitting at the bar.

"Drink to celebrate what?" Lachlan asked, placing his hand on my hip and smiling at me.

"My mended friendship with Bo." I replied, resting a hand on his shoulder and smiling at Bo.

"The Ash is buying tonight! YAY!" Kenzi yelled, trowing her arms around Hale and bouncing like a jackrabbit, making Trick roll his eyes. Lachlan looked at me and he smiled, confirming,

"It's the least I can do."

"Seriously, Lachlan?" Bo asked, looking shocked and Trick began pouring us drinks.

"Serious, Bo. I'm the reason your friendship was impaired. The least I can do is buy us all rounds on me." Lachlan replied, taking his glass and sipping the brown liquid out of it. Trick looked at us and just as Lachlan was about to kiss me, he called,

"(Y/N). May I have a moment?" Lachlan sighed and let me moved, to let me talk to him.

"What's up Trick?" I asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and placing my hands on my hips. He gave me a stern look and crossed his arms across his chest, asking,

"Is this serious? Are you and him?"

"Yes, Trick. We're serious."

"Just be careful, (Y/N). I worry about you."

"Always." As Trick was going to walk away, I touched his shoulder and he turned around, as I called to him,

"And Trick?"


"Thank you." With that, we walked back over to the bar and I stood next to Lachlan, linking my fingers behind his neck.

"Everything okay?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my waist and resting his other elbow on the bar, looking into my eyes.

"Everything is dandy, handsome!" I exclaimed, smiling at him and making him laugh. Trick rolled his eyes at us and refilled Lachlan's glass, finally lightening up.

"Lachlan! My glass is empty!" Kenzi yelled, drunkenly and bubbly, making Lachlan chuckle. Pressing his mouth to mine, he pulled me closer to him and I intertwined my fingers into his hair.

"Gross!" Bo exclaimed, smiling and looking at us with a sort of longing. When I looked at her, I smiled and nodded, knowingly. Lachlan looked between us and he raised his glass, saying smoothly,

"Cheers to forgiveness...and friendship."

"Yeah! But ma glass is still empty! Trick!" Kenzi butted in, slurring and making us laugh, as she pouted.

An Ash in Love (Lachlan x reader) (Lost Girl Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now