Two weeks later

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Allison walks out of her room into the kitchen in her & her fathers apartment.
"Do you want an omelette?" Malia asks
"Malia... Yesterday you tired to make Breakfast Pizza and nearly burnt down the Apartment. Just make pancakes" Allison laughs.
Malia groans. " We've had Pancakes for the past week I'm sick of them" Allison just stares playful
"Fine. We will have pancakes" As Malia says that the Door of the Apartment opens and Scott & Stiles walk in
"Allison?" Scott yells out "Your dad texted me and said you guys have no pancake mixture so he asked me to uh take you out for breakfast and I... Uh sort of brought Stiles along with us so it's not awkward" He says as He and Stiles walk to the kitchen
"Dude why would you say that?" Stiles asks as they reach the kitchen
"Oh god." Malia mumbles "Stiles"
"Uh Malia"
Scott looks confused while Allison Chuckles
Allison, Malia, Scott & Stiles all sit at Beacon Hills  Café
"So uh Malia why are you staying at Allison's?" Stiles asks
"Well it's easier to stay at Ally's then to go home and look at my dad everyday thinking of a way to tell him I killed my family and oh yeah I'm a Were-Coyote" Malia says with Attitude
A few moments past of awkward silence when Allison says
"Malia has been comforting me while I'm dealing with Isaac's death"
"Oh yeah. I've been comforting Scott" Stiles says
"Oh cute! You guys should totally have sex already. But watch out Scott he will probably will forget about you 2 seconds after it" Malia snaps                                                                                                                             "I did not forget about you after we had sex! I was busy dealing with me being possessed, Lydia being..' Malia Cuts Stiles off
"Of course you bring her into this? She doesn't deserve you! I mean you love her but yet where is she!? she's in Europe with another werewolf"
A waiter walks over. "Ready to order?'
"You guys enjoy your breakfast, Except you Stiles i hope you choke" Malia snaps
"Malia, where are you going?' Allison Asks
"I'm going shopping'

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