Chapter 12

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"I... I'm nervous...", he said.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright! Trust yourself!", I said to him.


"I don't know if I can...", he still said. "What if I won't make it?... What if I'll forget my lines?... I'm afraid..."

"You still don't know the result, right? So trust yourself and have some confidence.", I said to him.

"...Thank you, Gakupo...", he said and smiled.



I'm really not ready for that smile eh?

But... at least... he's more open than before.

"I-I'm going now...", he said and bowed his head.

"O-okay. Just do your best and don't mind about the people around you! You can do it!"

"I'll try. Thank you.", he said and smiled again.

Then... after he left...





He's so cute if he's smiling. <///<

So cute... >////>




I'm thinking weird things again! D<




Must calm down.

I'm not being myself again...



I hope he will be fine...

Kaito... Gambatte!


But then...

It's already 8 o'clock but he's still not around...

What happened?...

What took him so long?...


Tok. Tok.


I immediately stood up and went to the door.

I opened it.

And saw...





...him lowering his head...

"What happened? What's the news?", I asked and laughed awkwardly a bit.

But he still did not say anything.

"Come on in. Let's talk about that.", I gently pulled him and closed the door but he's not showing any response...


"Kaito? Hey, speak up.", I lowered my head to look at his face but...

He just leaned his head to my chest silently.


"Why?", I asked.




"I did not make it..."







"I'm sorry...", he said too.


"W-why are you apologizing?", I asked in shock and just stood still.


"Your help was wasted... I'm sorry...", he said in his shaky voice.




I felt him breathing deeply...

And I was so sure...

Really sure that he was crying silently...

He really did feel bad about it...


I patted his head.

"You don't need to apologize. You did your best.", I said and slowly hugged him.




Then... I just felt him holding onto my shirt.

I really don't know that this was so heavy to feel...

Just by being with him...

I really felt the sadness...


I just couldn't imagine him being like this after of so many turn downs...

I couldn't imagine that he's this hurt and broken just like this with all of his failures...

And alone on top of that...




It really breaks my heart to see him this down...

Exclusively Yours (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now