Chapter 2

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What a day???... =____="


And what am I really thinking???...


It's not that I'm so concern with him but why did I invite him to move in my room???!!!!!!!!!!!! w(OAO)w


I really don't understand myself! >______<+




"Kaito, are you still not finished with that???", I asked in irritation.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!", he repeatedly said while bowing his head.

He's still organizing his things in the cabinet for ALMOST 1 HOUR and still not finished. =_________=+ He was stuck in putting his clothes to one of my cabinet in the room.

What's wrong with him and WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME???!!! I'm being bothered even by his little actions.

"Do you need some help?", I just said and started on walking near him.



"No! No, please!", he suddenly said and hugged his folded clothes.

I was surprised.


"Ah.. Sorry.", I just said.

"N-No! I-I don't mean it in a bad way...", he shyly said and looked down.

"Okay. I'll just go out.", I just said.




I went outside and leaned on the door.


I saw his hands... they're shaking...



Was his self-confidence that low???...


He's really not used in socializing... What happened to him???... I really can see that he can't concentrate in his doing if someone's around or looking at him. He's an artist... He should know how to use his charm with people.

"There must be something wrong...", I just said in low voice.


And after a long walk in the garden, I just chose to sit down on a nearby table.

My day off was getting weirder and weirder... then, I began to close my eyes.

"Gakupo.", a voice called me.

I immediately looked to where the voice came from and saw Yohio and the other guys.

I got surprised.

Yohio waved his hand like making me to come near them.

"Why?", I asked and went near.

"Sit down with us.", he said and patted the chair next to him.

Wow~ It looked like we're having a meeting.

"What's wrong with you?", he suddenly asked.

"Huh?", I just asked in confusion.

Exclusively Yours (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now