Chapter 7 - Good luck with the apocalypse....I mean the climaxing.

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Chapter 7 – Good luck with the apocalypse….I mean the climaxing.

“His ass is out of this world. Actually it’s from Mars, hot core and hard rock. If he lets it out from his underwear, it stretches till Wisconsin. Oh yeah, the whole Anaconda movie is a myth. That’s not a real snake; the filming took place in his pants.” Celina yelled at the girl.

“Anaconda is black but Alpha Brad is white. How can it be possible?” The girl wondered. I don’t understand where these girls put their brains. May be in their makeup kits. I gawked at the girl while Celina shook her head. She showed her index finger towards the girl and ordered:

“Get out.” The girl huffed in annoyance and bolted for the door.

After that infamous incident in the woods last night, I retreated home and took rest. Alpha Brad happily attended his homecoming party. I heard that his heroic adventure was lauded and humans too were suddenly interested in him. Apparently, the story was a little morphed. In place of the rogue, they said it was a rapist on the loose.

Of course, the pack teens know the full story. So they were on my back to explain the features of his ass to them. I hid in the girl’s bathroom but they wouldn’t leave me. This girl was irritating me too. I didn’t know Celina was in one of the stalls until she stormed out and gave the girl an earful.

“I heard the story. How are you? Did the rogue hurt you?” Celina asked me with concern. I shook my head and she gave me a smile. How can that girl be popular and nice at the same time? I never know.

“Relax babe!” The head cheerleader Shirley said coming out of another stall. A few cheerleaders followed from other stalls. Ok, I agree that the cheerleading group is closely knit and does everything the other does. But answering nature calls too. May be it’s putting the call on conference.

Shirley patted my hair like how they do for a dog. Her companion applied hand sanitizer immediately on her hands.

“They are not going to irritate you anymore. By tomorrow morning, everyone would be asking me.” She shrugged.

“I talked him into a date last night and what happens at dates?” She purred checking her polished nails.

“My sister went out with him when he was still in school. She said about his ways. The way he does is harder than anything; he doesn’t get satisfied until the bed is broken.” She sighed dreamily. Her companions started moaning looking at the ceiling. Celina rolled her eyes.

“And the orgasm, that would be like the end of the world.”

“Well, good luck with the apocalypse….I mean the climaxing.” I interrupted their irritating moans.

Remember one thing. Never ever interrupt Shirley. That’s like violating the sis code and committing social suicide.

“What is that you are wearing? Your gran’s skirt?” Celina snapped at me.

I took a step backwards staring at them. Celina’s back was facing them. She cussed and groaned while her eyes were directing me to bolt for the door. That’s exactly what I’ve done. I ran for my life. The last thing I saw was Celina giving a relieved smile.


 Ever had that moment where you and your friend only knew the joke and laughing their ass out. Well, I was reliving that moment. That’s exactly what Celina and I are doing. We are laughing like morons in the busy hallway. After that little stint in the bathroom, I met Celina at the lockers and we started laughing.

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