Chapter 11 - Whoever said Christian Grey is fictional is an idiot.

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No one knows about the mate bond until the Sensale happens, so alpha Brad doesn’t know that Virginia is his mate. I hope that clears everything. I chose Ariana Grande to play Virginia Parker.

Chapter 11 – Whoever said Christian Grey is fictional is an idiot.

Celina got up from the bed and came running towards me. She pinched my cheeks with both her hands and said: “You look so cute.”

“Let’s hope that jerk keeps his hands to himself.” Cyrus joked.

“Use a condom.” Shirley winked.

“Shut up.” I blushed. “Getting jiggy with me is the last thing he would ever do.”

But, it’s still on the list. My chaotic brain murmured.

“Just kidding. Alpha Brad can be a million things but he can never fool around with another wolf’s mate.” Celina replied.

“We all respect the mate bond. Being an alpha, he would respect it more.” Shirley said as a matter of fact.

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. Every wolf respects the mate bond. But I’ve been playing with it. These people are genuinely helping me in everything. But how would they react if they knew all of this is a hoax? A pang of guilt washed through me.

“Guys, I need to tell you something.” I started but was interrupted by the constant honking of a car.

“There is so much to tell once this gets over. Dont forget about my brother.” Shirley warned and offered me an overcoat. I wore it and made my way downstairs.

Shirley came downstairs with me to greet the alpha but returned back when she didn’t get a glimpse of him. It was indeed alpha Brad’s third in command, Patrick who came to receive me. Patrick came over and kissed me on my cheek. He wore a white shirt (transparent enough to flaunt his muscles) and blue jeans and a black leather jacket. He led me to the car and opened the door for me.

“Gentleman ship, huh?” I joked.

“Hmmm....anything for the young beautiful lady.” I clearly understood he replaced the word Sexy with Beautiful.

“So, where are we going?” I asked once he started driving.

“There is a change in the plan. I will park the car under that tree and keep the windows closed. You just raise that dress of yours and leave the business to me.” He smirked.

“Yup, let’s do it the Bond way.” I replied holding his shirt collar and we laughed. Patrick is a huge flirt but he can never cheat on his mate. They are referred to as the perfect ‘it’ couple of our pack. Half the time he jokes around, but he doesn’t mean anything.

“No, seriously there is a change of plan. You are not meeting alpha Brad at the restaurant but someplace else.” He said.

The next few minutes he flirted more and we hummed to the songs on the radio. I was so enjoying myself, I didn’t realise where we were until he parked the car. I gaped at the sight of a private jet from the rear view mirror of the car.

“Seriously?” I asked still wondering what exactly we were up to on a private air strip.

“I need to call my mom.” I said looking worriedly.

“Dont worry. I had that privilege an hour back and she agreed.” He replied and I frowned. As if my mom’s going to allow me anywhere and everywhere just because the alpha is involved.

“Ok, I lied about that. But, your parents are out of town and they wouldn’t return till tomorrow evening. They wouldn’t know.” He shrugged.

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