Burn, baby burn

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  Currently, I was jamming out to Flex (Ohh ohh ohh) and dancing like a mad woman because my plan had worked and that stupid alpha would never find me. My wolf decided to step in at that with a snarl, but I just laughed and said " since when do you care?" She merely whimpered, " since he's our mate.. The pull. His wolf is calling to me and it hurts. Please go back." I rolled my eyes at her, " no way in HELL would I go back to him or am I ever going back to him " to which she released another snarl to. " Simmer down wolfy, there's plenty of party animals back at home who'll give us enough" but as I was laughing at her viscous snarl, I saw my own plans crumple before the wolf blocking my path. With the same shit-eating grin because he knew he'd out-smarted me again. " DAMN IT", I yelled at him. I  honked my horn and beat on the steering wheel but he didn't budge, in fact he was edging closer to my driver's door, that smirk growing with every step. I attempted to crawl out of the passenger door to run but he was way ahead of me, and with wolf speed, beat me to it. I was trapped yet again. So I did the one thing he didn't expect. I got out of the car as calmly as possible and started walking. To where? I don't even know, just away from him. I heard trots behind me before they turned into footsteps, and with some rustling, a gorgeous man with only khaki shorts on and a 6 pack of heaven staring back at me that stopped me in my tracks. My mistake. I didn't see his dark smile again until it was too late, he had me up against a tree with his lips pressed firmly to mine. My wolf was purring in pleasure while I was fighting him tooth and nail to break the kiss - literally. It was no use, he only went deeper into the kiss while firmly holding me against that tree. Damn that tree. Why was it there? Why.. I was stopped in my thinking when I heard a moan. What's the problem you may ask? He's a love-sick puppy, of course he would moan. If only the moan had come from his mouth. His smile grew into something beautiful as those eyes pierced mine before attacking my lips again. This time, I caught myself giving it back to him. I fought for dominance, and to his dismay I won, overtaking his tongue in my mouth while I ran my fingers through his hair. No, he didn't like that at all, the alpha didn't win. So he moved down-wind, kissing my face, then along my jaw, and finally down my neck. He reached a spot that made my toes curl and I let out an embarrassing moan before I gasped realizing what I was doing. Fingers in his hair? Dominance fight? Kissing him back? Oh no. Oh no no no. He seemed to realize by my expression that I was coming back to my senses because he let out a muffled chuckle on my neck before I felt teeth poking at my skin. "NO. NO NO NO. PLEASE. DONT DO THIS. I AURORA PHILLIPS, REJECT YOU ALPHA-" but before I could finish, he roared to life and sunk his canines into my neck. The agony was awful, I screamed and writhed in pain but he pushed them deeper. Finally, he pulled back, licking up any remaining blood from my new-found wound. He gave me a soft smile before picking up my body that was now going limp. "You're mine now. Sleep tight my little devil. My beautiful Aurora.", he sighed out to me. Or that's what it sounded like. My world was slowly turning to black and the last thing I saw were those eyes watching me fade out.

-hey guys! I am SO sorry for not updating in so long but I promise I'm getting back on the ball with this story! So keep the voting, and the amazing comments coming please!! I'm loving it and thank you so much to those who have believed in my story from day 1. I think you're going to love where it's going, so keep in touch and if you don't like something? Simply tell me. This is a judge-free, no offense zone, so you do you. Love you guys so much, and I hope you love this chapter just as much 😊-

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