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Books, socks, quills, ink, blouses, skirts, shoes, scarves, hats, coats. Well, everything seems to be in order, I thought to myself as I had one last look on my trunk. Satisfied of the packing I had done, I closed my small trunk. My mum had to do some charms to make my books miniature in size so that they'll all fit.

When I finally managed to close my overflowing trunk, I looked at the front side of it. The signatures of all my closest friends were written on with Everlasting Ink, something my dad doesn't approve of, but he hardly approves on anything so it's not that big of a deal. I stared at all the names there for a while. There was Hermione's name written legibly. Ron's messy scrawl was all over the place but I didn't mind. Harry's signature was accompanied with a little message telling that me 'Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask ', cheeky of him, really. Ginny's name was tiny yet very beautiful. She even made it in her own little way to draw musical notes all over the place! Fred and George's names were written quite enormously, if I do say so myself, in their usual messy scrawls. I looked at the name of Cedric Diggory a little bit longer than as I have on the other names. I'm still in my "mourning phase". I can't believe he's passed on already. The thought made me shed a tear or two. He was one of my very close friends, after all.

I sighed to myself. A couple more minutes, I told myself. A couple more minutes and I'll be out of this atrocious place my parents call 'Devereaux Manor'. Oh, I simply loathe that name. Well, my parents are best friends with the Malfoys so that explains the similar interior decorating. Yeah, I get the point that they were all in Slytherin, (I'm the first Gryffindor in the Devereaux family for the past few generations) but did they really have to decorate the house in Salazar Slytherin's likeness? That's a load of dragon dung to me.

I sat on my carpetted floor and laid my back against the wall. I took one last look at my room. A double bed, red and gold heavy drapes, a couple of Weird Sisters posters stuck unto the walls with everlasting glue, a wardrobe that I hardly ever use, and my guitar. I completely forgot about it. I always bring that to school. Only that my mom transfigures it into a little pendant for my necklace. If dad ever found out I'm into music and not business,... I don't even want to talk about the consequences.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by my mum yelling downstairs. "Cassidy, get down here! It's time to go!" I got my trunk and my guitar and went downstairs. Luckily, dad wasn't there. "Mum, you forgot to transfigure my guitar" I said handing it to her. "Oh, dear me," she said as she fished out her wand from her pocket. She pointed it at the guitar and said a spell. It immediately shrunk into a tiny silver necklace pendant. "Here you go dear" said mum handing the charm to me. "Thanks mum" I said putting the miniature guitar on my necklace. My neckalce has three charms. The miniature guitar, my mum's ring, which was a family heirloom and a tiny owl pendant given to me by Cedric Diggory when I turned thirteen. That pendant always makes me feel a wave of emotions. Cedric was my best friend, he was a person who understood me and he was my first year crush. "Come now dear," said mum, bringing me back to reality, "You wouldn't want to be late on your first day now that your in fifth year now, would you?" I shook and my head and replied "Of course not, mum."

She told me that we'd be apparating to King's Cross station. She grabbed hold of my owl's cage and my duffel bags as I shouldered my backpack and gripped the handle of my trunk firmly. Mum held out her free hand and I took it. Instantly, I felt like being sucked into a very narrow tube. I didn't really fancy the art of Apparition. Anyway, the next thing I knew we were in King's Cross. I was a little wobbly at first but mum straightened me up. I grabbed a trolley where I put my trunk, backpack and duffel bag and owl's cage on. Hermes, my owl, doesn't fancy apparating at all. He's a measly shade of green right now. Mum and I went through the barrier together. When we were already on the other side, I saw parents, teachers and students running off in all different directions. I saw Seamus Finnigan who gave me a friendly hug before running off to Dean Thomas. My mum kept pestering on my clothes and hair and kept asking questions like "Are you sure you're not cold" "You're gonna send me an Owl every week, okay?" "Are you sure you've got everything you need?" After reassuring her that everything's fine about a gazillion times, she finally layed off a bit. She gave me big hug and told me to do my best and make her and dad proud. I kissed her cheek and told her I will.

It's been you all along (A Fred Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now