Chapter 77

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After a few minutes Naomi sat up realizing it was almost dark outside. She stood up going back to her room not running into anyone she knew or anyone who recognized her. She went back to her room and turned on some Lindsey Sterling music and started to get dressed for the party that she needed to go to. She was going to make a quick appearance and come back to the hotel. I don't want to be around anyone right now. I just want to get over what I said and how well he knows me...because I'm not sure how I feel right now. Maybe I'll find a church tomorrow...she thought grabbing her phone searching for somewhere to go. I don't have to be there until 11...She thought all this while putting on a bit of make-up, a pair of purple jeans and yellow t-shirt putting her hair in a quick side braid. She put on a pair of Toms and headed out the door with her phone in her hand hoping to talk to Bruno but not getting her hopes up. She went through the party talking to a few people discussing her schedule and her album getting excited about everything that was going on. Throughout the night she had avoided Joseph but knew that they were in the same place and would have to talk about what happened earlier. "Nay...." she heard his voice watching him hand her a beer.

"How did you remember that's the kind I like?" she asked him taking the beer.

"I just picked right." he smiled. "Let's go talk..." he said taking her hand.

"You're not going to do anything to me are you?" she asked him.

"No. And we're in the light. Come on, Naomi. Don't think I'm that that big of an asshole." he said.

"Well, you did break your jaw getting into a fight at a bar.." she reminded him.

"Yeah. Well. That was a fluke." he answered.

"Alright then..." she answered him a bit hesitant. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Naomi, you're not happy are you?" he asked her.

"No."she said looking down at her feet.

"You were happy when you were in Austin. What happened?" he asked her.

"I hate what happened...." she told him still looking down. "It's not Bruno. It's not that he's not around or that he's different because his mom died. It's absolutely nothing to do with him. It's one of those it's not you, it's me things." she started rambling. "I think it's that I really do love music. I love it. It's fun and I think I'm good at it....but I was only doing all this because he wanted me to. And I was able to be with him and it was good when we were all together. And I had that passion and the desire to do well for him...but he was always there and it just made us work...but now..." she paused wiping away her tears. "I just don't really want to be doing this. I just want to go back to my old job and do what I'm supposed to do. This isn't what I'm supposed to do. It's not my calling..."

"So what are you going to do?" he asked her watching her lift her head up.

"I mean, I have to finish what I'm doing. I can't just say 'This isn't fun anymore I'm going home.," like I can't do that." Naomi said. "I'll finish this....I'm done with everything before the Grammy's..." she told him.

" you just want to stop all of this?" he asked her.

"Yeah. I just don't like it. He keeps telling me that I will figure it out, that this will get better and that things will click and that I'll love this." she told him. "But I just keep hating it and wanting to go home and sleep."

"Then go home and sleep, Naomi. If that's what you want do it. I don't think anyone will hate you for it..." he said touching her side. "You aren't going to hurt anyone's feelings by leaving this. You may end up on a Where are they now episode someday....but no one is going to hate you for saying that you don't want to do this...." he said very matter of factly.

"You think so?" she asked.

"Well, I won't hate you for it. If that counts for anything...." he said to her with a slight smile.

"That does help, Joe. Thank you." she smiled wiping away her tears. "My make-up didn't run did it?"she asked.

"So are we okay?" he asked her.

"Yeah. I think so." she said starting to stand up. "Just as long as we can agree that we're just friends right now. I kind of still like my boyfriend." she said to him.

"I know you still like him, Mims." he laughed.


Bruno sat down on the leather couch backstage of the stadium they were performing at. He lowered his head closing his eyes trying to find something to say to his mother, who he was thinking of, before he spoke to Naomi. Oh my god. How is this such a shitty time? He thought to himself. This shouldn't be like this. He thought about how things had not been going great the last few days. The last few shows had had some sound issues that he and his band had worked through, he was really thinking about his mom and what she would have been thinking about, his sisters' music wasn't going as well as he and they had thought and then Naomi was slowly slipping away from him. I can't lose her. He thought. She's the only thing holding me together someday. But why is she thinking that way? I need her, but I don't want her to feel like she doesn't need me. Oh God. What the hell am I thinking? "Bro?" He heard Eric ask. "You good? Are you thinking about Mom?"

"Yeah. A little. I think I'm thinking about a lot of things." he said to his brother.

"You know what would help?" he asked.

"What?" Bruno answered hoping for his brother to hand him a drink instead keeping his hands to his side.

"Talking to your girl...." he smiled. "Didn't she have a show tonight?"

"No. Tomorrow. But she's why my head is spinning." Bruno admitted.

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