Chapter 102

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"So you hooked up?" Tamara asked looking over at Naomi and her friend Leah. "Oh my god. This is so my fanfic. This is just the part where you break up and realize that...."

"Oh my god, we're perfect together and let's run away and get married and have babies and the end." Leah finished the thought.

"No." Naomi said sipping her orange juice at Panera bread while they ate breakfast. "That's not how it's going to happen. He's with Bedy. I'm practically with Joe. It was break-up sex and that was it."

"God. You can avoid him when he's not around, but Nay, you're going to see him for the Grammy nominations show and all that stuff that comes. What are you going to do? Like create a shield to protect you from his sexiness or?"

"No. I'm going to talk to him today. I have to go soon, anyway. I'll figure it out on the way there." she told them.

"Are you serious?" Leah asked biting into her muffin. "You're going to crash and burn. He has you wrapped around his fingers. You fall for his shit all the time. What happens when he smiles at you and touches your arm the way he does? He's going to do know it...."

"He's going to be fine. We're fine. It's work." Naomi said.

"Just let me have the babies...please." Leah pleaded. "Think of my readers..."

"You are not even!" Naomi said standing up to leave. "Don't even think about it."

Hours later Naomi sat in a comfortable chair in the arena looking at her phone texting Joseph about seeing him during the Christmas holidays. "Hey..." Bruno sat down next to her.

"You didn't have to be here until 1:30..." she told him. "I'm here because they're going through the presentations..."

"Yeah well. I'm nominated too, so. Yeah. I have to be here too." he said a bit sarcastically.

"We can't be like this, Brunz. We have to be nice to each other. I don't do the victim well. I mean..." she started.

"No, you do it well, but I know what you're talking about." he admitted.

"I'm going to let that first part go because you're right." she said with a half smile. "So, what are we going to do?"

"I'm not sure." he answered. "I'm still trying to get over you."

"I'm still trying to get over you, too." she told him. "So do we just stay away from each other as much as possible?"

"Or do we just be friends and talk like we are now and try to forget that we were together once and we were good together?" he asked.

"We're not getting back together, Bruno. Goodness." she laughed turning to look at him watching his eyes lower. "What?"

"You're just cute. That's all. And I can't deal with it." he said standing up.

"No, sit down. We have so much stuff we have to be together for in the next few months. Like after January we can ignore each other, but if you can't even look at me without thinking about what we had....that's not good." she told him.

"Why are you so right?" he asked still not looking at her.

"Umm, people are watching us and it's not Chad and Ian. "Act like we're okay." she said reaching for his hand playing with one of his rings putting her feet up on the chair in front of her. "Insta..."

"Yeah. Okay." he nodded his head leading over to watch her. "But when do we tell, like the world, that we aren't together?"

"The world doesn't need to know." she told him.

"You just want to keep me." he said pushing her playfully.

"No. There will be one day when you'll be seen with her and I'll be seen with him and then that's the day when people find out."

"You're so weird sometimes." he told her letting go as they were called up to the stage to rehearse their performance.

"Hey, so umm, y'all broke up?" Chad asked her.

"Yeah. A few weeks ago." she said walking right past Bruno without saying anything.

"You okay?" Chad asked.

"Just confused a little. But I'll be okay." she said reaching for her mic. "You ready?"

"Alright." he nodded heading to his side of the stage.

They finished their performance with Bruno stepping a bit too close to her for her liking and kissing her cheek at the end of their performance. Instead of feeling uncomfortable, the director encouraged them to show off their relationship. "Ugh." Naomi moaned walking toward her car that evening.

"You okay?" Bruno asked following behind her.

"I mean...I don't know. Are we doing red carpet tomorrow? Together?" she asked. "I didn't think we were..."

"If..." he reached for his phone. "I don't know....did Brandon or Kayla say we were? They know..."

"Yeah. She knows...I made sure she did." she said grabbing her phone. "I'll just call her. I already have my dress."

"I have what I'm wearing..." he said leaning against her car.

"Hey Kay...are B and I walking together tomorrow?" she asked. "Oh alright...yeah." she shook her head looking at him.

"Told you." he said.

"You didn't want to do it. Ugh. You're so lame." she pushed him. "If we were together I'd drag your ass down that red carpet." she said rolling her eyes at him feeling his arms around her.

"I can't handle you, Mims." he said feeling her head fall on his shoulder laughing at him.

"Stop, we can't." she laughed looking back up at him laughing again. "I mean, I could drag your ass down that red carpet anyway...but I might have your girlfriend chasing after me...." she looked into his eyes seeing a bit of sadness. "Bruno?" she asked with his arms still around her.

"I can't." he said to her again leaning down kissing her nose. "Good night, Mims."

"Wait...." she paused holding onto his hands.

"What?" he asked moving her hands from his. She's going to cry. She's going to cry and I can't handle it when she cries. He turned away from her before he could hear her start to cry.

"I love you, Bruno." she said quietly but still loud enough for him to hear her. After hearing what she had said to him he took a few more steps forward hearing her hold her breath. "You're going to keep walking?"

"You broke up with me, Naomi. I didn't break up with you." he said melodically getting into his car.

"But what if I want you back?" she asked with him still walking away from her.

"I can't be with you, Naomi." he said closing the door behind him to leave the venue leaving her standing by herself in front of the fire red car he bought her.

"Mimi?" she heard someone ask her. "Are you okay?"

"No." she said shaking her head with tears falling down her cheek. "But I'll be okay." she said getting into her car. 

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