Chapter 1- New Years

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What a nice picture of Paul to start off the second book. If you are a person who is just getting a picture of the cover for this book, just go ahead and swipe to the next picture, it should be there. And speaking of the cover I want to thank MZLloyd for making it. It's beeeeee-utiful in my opinion. And no, that is not Alex on the book cover, the girl on it just kinda..... Illustrates the name of the book, so...... Anyways really hope you enjoy this book as much as the first. You better vote and comment like you did in the other one,
So..... Enjoy!

Chapter 1- New Years.
News years eve...
Alex's P.O.V

Paul and I were sitting on the roof of my house, waiting for the fireworks to start. We were sitting shoulder to shoulder, me leaning my head on his shoulder, and him with his arm around me. Since it was still winter, we had a big wooly blanket wrapped around the two of us.
"Man, I wish the fireworks would start already," I said.
Paul chuckled. "Why luv? Too cold?"
"Mmm, maybe..."
Paul smirked and held me closer. He pulled me so I was on his lap, him resting his head on my shoulder.
I sighed and closed my eyes at the sweet feeling. Just as I felt myself drifting off I was startled by a loud boom. Paul laughed at my reaction as my eyes flew open. What I saw in front if me was beautiful. A small firework had bursted into an explosion of hot pink in the sky. Other ones followed, some purple, green, some gold that sparkled and appeared to be shimmering down from the sky and to the ground.
"It's beautiful," I said.
"Just like someone I know." Paul added.
I blushed then leaned my head back to look up at Paul. He looked down at me and pecked me on the lips.
"I love you," I sighed.
"I love you too."
There was a moment of silence before I continued. "Oh, and one more thing,"
Paul looked at me in confusion before I pushed my lips against his. I pulled away just enough to talk, our noses were still touching and pretty much the same with our lips.
"Happy new year."
January 11th, 1963

I know it's fast but Paul and I have just moved into our own flat. We got in here yesterday, and made the plans about a month ago, not even. Right now we were still un-packing our stuff.
I mean, it took my parents a lot of convincing, and I had to give my mum the 'I'm grown up and can make my own decisions' talk. At least she said she was happy that of all people, it was with Paul. That meant a lot to me.
"Do you need help Alex?" Paul asked, walking passed me while carrying a large box.
"Looks like your hands are already full." I stopped unpacking as I looked at him. I watched as he put the box down then turned to face me. I looked over him, realising how tall he was, how thin and masculine, but a pretty boy at the same time. I took in all the muscles he had, especially in his arms. And when I think about it, it's hard to believe that he's the same, chubby little boy that I use to run around playing with when I was little.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I head Paul's voice. I quickly looked at him, not know what to say.
"Are you alright, or... Are you just checking me out?"
I blushed madly causing Paul to smirk. He walked over to me and snaked his arms around my waist, pulling my body right up against his.
"Y'know, I'd be happy to take you to the bedroom where you could continue checking me out," he smiled.
I smiled back and looked at his chest, playing with the buttons on his shirt.
"Oh yeah? And what's the catch?"
"That I won't have any clothes on."
I smirked as I undid his buttons slowly. "Sounds like a plan,"

Our naked bodies were pressed against each other's as we lay in bed, me laying on top of him. I rested my head on his chest, swirling my finger around the faint chest hair he had.
"Next time we do that, it's my turn to take care of you," Paul said.
I blushed as he took a deep breath, causing my head to rise up with his chest, that happening every time he took a breath.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Mmm, I'd say about 9:00 am," Paul answered.
"It's that early?"
He nodded. "Yeah. Ooh, that reminds me, today they're releasing Please Please Me and Ask Me Why in the UK."
"That's great Paul," I smiled. "Are they going to release it in America?"
"Yeah, sometime in February," he replied.
I gave s small nod then kissed Paul's chest lightly.

After laying in bed for a while Paul and I decided to go out for a walk around London. Yes, we moved to London.
Paul gripped my hand tightly as we walked down the street. Thankfully, with all our winter clothes on, no one could tell that I was with Paul McCartney.
"Why do we always decide to go out for walks when it's bloody freezing."
Paul laughed. "That's a good question."
I laughed as well as Paul spotted a little café.
"Come on, let's go in there."
He pulled me towards the café, then going inside and taking a seat in the corner of the room. Paul sat back facing the people so no one could see him.
"Y,know, you're gonna have to get used to this." I said.
Paul shrugged.
"I wouldn't even worry about it if I were you. You're probably not that famous, I mean, people on the streets probably wouldn't recognise you yet." I added.
"Yet, is the key word here." Paul said.
I smiled and rolled my eyes as I continued. "Anyways, I'm going to order something, do you want anything?"
Paul thought for a moment. "Mmm maybe a coffee, I'm tired."
"You're still not awake? Even after this morning," I smirked.
Paul looked up at me as I stood up. He had an amused expression. "Oh shush you,"
I giggled and was about to walk to the counter when he stopped me.
"Oh wait Alex?"
I turned to look at him.
He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. I looked to see he had money in his hand.
"No Paul I'll pay for it," I said.
"No no Alex, who's the one who's making the money here?"
I sighed. "You are."
He smiled. "Exactly, so I pay."
I shook my head and took the money. He smirked giving me a wink, then making kissy lips.
I blushed a little as I walked over to the counter. I ordered Paul his coffee, and got myself tea and biscuits. Once I sat back down, I saw Paul looking down at his lap. I put the food down and looked at him curiously.
"What're you looking at?"
He quickly looked up at me, a little embarrassed looking. "Uh,..."
I noticed he was keeping his hands on his lap.
"Alex, I'm having a little problem, uh," his voice was hushed.
It took me a second to realise what he meant. A smile grew on my face.
"Wait, are you,"
He nodded.
"How Paul? I didn't even.... do anything."
Paul was still speaking quietly. "You just turn me on so fucking much,"
I smiled proudly as Paul kept his hands pressed to his lap. Then to make it even better, a lady came up to us and asked Paul for an autograph.
"Uh,... um,"
I giggled as Paul wouldn't take his hands away.
"Yeah hold on a second," he said, trying to cross his legs in a way that it would cover his you know what.
The lady waited as Paul finally got into a good position. I giggled at him as he looked up at her a little embarrassed.
"Sorry, I'm sore..."
I tried to hide my laughter as Paul took the pen and started to sign it. He glance up at me with his eyes then continued. Since I was sitting across from him, and the table wasn't very big, I put my knee in between his legs. He stopped writing with a gasp, me smiling proudly.
"Are you alright?" the lady asked.
Paul nodded with a smile, his voice coming out dry. "I'm fine," he picked up the pen again just as I began moving my knee back and forth. He closed his eyes and let a small moan escape his lips, the lady looking at him almost concerned.
"Are you alright Paul?" I asked.
Paul looked up at me with an annoyed expression. I could see in his eyes that this was killing him.
"Yes, I'm fine." He looked back up at the lady and smiled. He was about to continue writing as I pushed my knee further. His breathing hitched as he struggle to keep writing. He was shifting a lot in his seat and pressing against my knee. I smiled as he finally finished sign the paper. He gave it to her with a smile, her taking it with a thanks and walking off. Paul immediately looked at me with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows.
"Alex, why did you- ahhhhhh,"
I cut him off by putting even more pressure. I smirked at him as he tried to hide his moans. Once I stopped Paul quickly stood up and put his jacket on, pulling it tightly around the him so it covered his crotch.
He shook his head at me disapprovingly. "Come on, let's go."

A.N- I guess that was a decent, first chapter. I know I haven't updated in a while and that's because of high school. But don't worry I'm not one of those people who are like oh my gosh homework, Uhhhhh I can't write now!
For me, it's wattpad before homework. It may sound stupid, and like I don't care about my grades, but believe me I'm trying hard in school. I do take it seriously, but I also take this seriously.
Luv. E l l a.

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