Chapter 24- Oh No

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A.N- these past few weeks my love for Paul has returned like a raging fire, that's why I've been pumping out the chapters haha, I've been marching around the house, watching news about Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau, singing band on the run and - OH- Miss You just came on by Rolling Stones,
Lord I, miss you child,
I definitely do not strut around the house with duck lips waving my hand in the air like Mick Jagger and singing in my best British accent, I swear,,

Singing after dark, people think I'm crazyyyy, shuffling on my feet, stumbling down the street, asking people tsk tsk tsk, what's a matta wich you boi?

Quote: "Paul McCartney was a professional practitioner of beguiling girls and women into his bed with a manner of befitting Casanova and Romeo. His parental guidance was filled with advisories on respect, and so he always showed respect to the women on tour whom he lured in for intimacy." -Larry Kane

Chapter 24- Oh No
1 month later, September 10th

Alex's POV

I was home alone. Which is never fun. Not for me anyways. The boys were at the Savoy Hotel, receiving their award for Top Vocal Group of the Year, at the Variety Club Awards lunch.
I didn't want to go because I felt I'd be intruding and I didn't need to see Paul. It's been a month since I have and, I'm going to keep this streak going.
I walked into the bathroom and lifted the toilet lid. After going, I realised, I was supposed to be on my period right now. I washed my hands and walked out into my room. I checked the calendar and gasped, I'm almost a week overdue. I rushed over to the phone and called Mo, praying she'd answer.
"Mo! I have bad news, I think."
"Oh what is it?"
"I think I'm pregnant..." I muttered.
"What?! Is it Georges or Pauls??"
I sighed. "It would be Georges. But I'm not completely sure yet... I might just be late..."
Mo sighed as well. "Well, I'll come pick you up and take you to the doctors ok?"
I nodded, forgetting she couldn't see me. "Okay."
She hung up the phone and I sighed, feeling panicky. This can't be happening, this isn't happening.

10 minutes passed and there's was a knock on the door. I opened it up to reveal Maureen.
"Ready?" She asked.
I nodded while breathing heavily. We walked out to her car, the air a bit breezy. I climbed into the warm vehicle, buckling myself up for safety. Mo got in the drivers seat and started the car, taking me towards the nearest hospital. When we arrived there, we asked to see a doctor, hoping there would be an open time.
"You'll just have to wait a couple minutes." The nurse said. "Can I take your last name?"
My eyes widened, I almost forgot what it was. "Dawson."
"Okay Ms. Dawson we'll call you when it's time."
I nodded, Mo and I taking a seat in the small waiting area. I was nervously wiping the sweat from my head, and my breaths were coming out shaky. Mo put a hand on my shoulder, in a comforting manner.
"It's alright Alex, just remember whatever the outcome is, I'll be here for you, and George too."
Just hearing his name made me feel sick. If I am pregnant, how could I possibly tell him? We've only been dating for a month, and we don't have time for a child, George doesn't at least.
My head shot up immediately to meet the eyes of a tall dark haired doctor. That was fast.


"Well, I have the results."
Mo squeezed my hand as the doctor returned to the room.
"And, you are pregnant, congratulations." He smiled.
My heart started to skip a beat, I felt like throwing up everywhere. This cannot be happening.
"Are you alright Ms?" He asked.
"Well, to be honest... this is not really good news for me..."
The doctor frowned. "Ahh, I see. Well I wish you the best of luck and a beautiful baby."
I smiled weakly at him, Mo and I standing up and exiting the room.

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