Chapter 6- Silver Baby

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A.N- That's an adorably, beautiful picture of Paul and Julian. I love how in real life, Paul was just like his uncle, he loves children so much I'm gonna die! I've seen so many pics of them together.
Just.... AHHHHHH!
I'm sorry, it's too cute,

and watch the video, the way Paul looks in it lol!

Chapter 6- Silver Baby
Alex's P.O.V
2 weeks later, April 5th

"Today's a special day luv," Paul said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind  me.
"And why is that?" I smiled.
"Because," he said leaning his head on my shoulder and speaking into my ear. "It's the day when the Beatles get their silver disk."
"Wow," I said. "Why are you getting it?"
"Well we sold 250 000 copies of Please Please Me,"
I turned my head enough to kiss him on the corner of his lips. "That's amazing Paulie."
He gave me such a cute, squinty eyed smile then kissed me on the lips. "Ahh I love you." He added, taking his arms off me and walking towards the counter.
"I love you more!"
Paul shook his head as I laughed, walking into the living area. I fell down onto the couch and sighed, closing my eyes.
A couple of hours later....
Paul's P.O.V

"I'd like to award you four young lads with this, silver disk." We all smiled as the people started clapping. He handed it to me, since I was closest to him. I gave a little nod and put on my best smile for him and the public. I thanked him and looked to the cameras. George held one side of the disk, and I held the other. John put his arm around us to get into the picture, and Ringo stood next to John.
After the huge amount of pictures that were takin', we had to attend a dinner with a bunch of fancy looking people. We may be a band, but I don't consider us fancy. We're not posh anyways, just..... us. Ol' Liverpudlian us.
"So boys, what else do you have in store for us?" Some guy asked. It's funny that's tons of people know who we are, but we have no idea who they are. But I guess that's fame.
"It's a secret." John answered.
"Buy the L.P, that's what came next." Ringo said.
George just looked at the guy and nodded, as I spoke. "Yeah it's kinda a surprise for us too. We don't really know yet. It really depends on what we just start-"
"Writing." John said, finishing my sentence.
The man nodded. "Oh okay. So that's the secret to good music, you don't know what's coming next?"
"That's the secret to all music." George said bluntly.
"Yeah, I mean if Paul and I figure out a song, then forget it the next morning, that's how we know it's no good." John added.

(You know you did, you know you did, you know you did....... Say live and let die! Srry, radio..... But his voice is so strong I love it!)

We nodded in agreement as the man smiled. Brian then butted into the conversation.
"You boys don't get into trouble, I have to go and take care of some things."
As he was saying this John was sticking napkins in his nose. Brian narrowed his eyes at him as the rest of us nodded to Brian.
"Alright Brian." George said.
"You guys take care of him," he said pointing to John.
"Yep." Ringo replied.
Brian sighed and walked off, leaving us to the this posh, dinner party.
3 days later, April 8th

"Oh really? Oh okay, yeah I'll tell'er. Okay, be right there." I fished my conversation with John and hung up the phone. I walked down the hall towards the bedroom. I stopped in the doorway and looked at Alex who was organising some clothes on the floor.
"Um babe?"
Alex looked up at me with raised eyebrows. "Hmm?"
"We have to go, now."
She narrowed her eyes. "Where to?"
"The hospital."

Once Alex and I reached the hospital we rushed inside. We found out where John and Cynthia would be and headed there. We were told to wait in the waiting room, where we found George and Ringo.
They looked up at us, Ringo speaking. "Here for the baby?"
We both nodded, then taking our seats.
Alex had her head resting on my shoulder. I had my arm around her as she slept against me. We've been waiting a while now. Like a long, time. How long does birth take? It sounds awful to me.
Just then John came in the room all smiles. "It's a boy."
We smiled as George and Ringo stood up.
"Come on, I want you to see my son." John said proudly.
I smiled then looked at Alex who was still asleep. I gently shook her, whispering in her ear to wake up and giving her little kisses. It always wakes her up.
"Hmm?" She asked tiredly.
"The baby, John had a son." I said quietly.
"Oh," she said, slowly standing up. I laughed as she stumbled. I helped her walk towards the room where Cyn was.
When we walked in, we saw Cynthia laying in bed holding the small, newborn baby in her arms. Alex and I walked up to her, hand in hand.
"Aww, isn't he sweet?" Alex asked.
George and Ringo agreed as I leaned down to the baby. "Yeah you're a cutie aren't you, little one?" Cyn and Alex smiled at me as John spoke.
"We're naming him after me, but probably going to call him by Julian."
"He's tiny," George said. "But so adorable."
Cyn laughed. "That's newborns for you."
"He looks like his father, unfortunately," Ringo said, who got a whack to the back of the head right after.
"Ow," he said rubbing it and laughing. "I was just joking..."
We all laughed except for John. He just shook his head playfully as he looked at Julian.
"Yes, he will look like me and be handsome and manly....." He kept going as I mumbled to myself and whoever heard.
"conceited bastard......"
Alex started giggling as George smiled at me, rolling his eyes. We looked at John who was still going on about himself.
"Okay John we get it, you're perfect." George said.
Ringo stifled a laugh as John smiled. "Aww, gee thanks George."
We all laughed at Johns silliness as we admire the baby. But seeing little Julian caused a question to run though my head repeatedly.
What if Alex and I had a baby?

A.N- that was a..... Decent chapter in my opinion. Julian is adorable but, I just can't get enough Palex, like u don't even know....
Hey if anyone wants to do any fan art and send it to me or anything that would be awesome! I'd put it in a chapter, and I could say it was by u or anonymous, whatever you'd like,
So P.M me or comment if you do! I'd love it!
Oh wait, the Bee Gees are on again, with all your Jive talking, so misunderstood,

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