Chapter 14- When Pauls Cry

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A.N- if you didn't notice, or you don't listen to prince like I do, the title of this chapter is like a play on the song "when doves cry" by prince ;) clever I know
And I really like dat pic even doe it's an oldie

Pauls P.O.V

I sat in the living room, staring blankly at the wall. Alex said she was going out for a short walk, she left about 5 minutes ago.
I had too many un-describable thoughts and feelings going through my head. Well, there was one emotion which was clear, sadness, which should really be no surprise to you.
I just don't know how to feel, I feel like crying, I feel like screaming, I feel like laughing, I feel like a madman!
Guess what guys! My girlfriends lost all her memory! Isn't that just smashing!?
I sighed and placed my head in my hands.
"Why! Why did this have to happen!" I cried. "If only I was in that fucking car with her we could've both had memory loss, then it wouldn't be so hard. Or even better, I could've let her come to the door with us, I'm such a fucking idiot!"
I stayed there on the couch crying like the baby I am, until I heard the door open. I looked up, assuming it would be Alex, but it wasn't.
"Ey there's my favourite song writer- hey, what's wrong Paulie?"
I looked at John with a tear filled face. Now if it was someone else who walked in, I would've wiped these tears away in a second, but John and I have cried together before, so I have no shame.
He frowned and walked over to me. I stood up and looked at him in the eyes, he knew right away what my problem was.
"Oh Paul, she'll be better soon,"
I looked down, hiding my face as it crumpled up, and as I began balling my eyes out. John pulled me into a hug, and told me about how she would get, better, that it would all be fine, just like the good old days.
"Is it even possible John, can she even get her memory back?" I asked.
He sighed, "... I think so but I really couldn't say,"
I nodded. We hugged for a couple more seconds before John told me to go make him some tea, to get my mind off things.
"Focus on the tea Paul, focus on the tea." He said as I made my way towards the kitchen. He stayed in the living room, so he had to shout a bit for me to hear him.
"This tea must be the ultimate tea you see, perfect colour, immaculate flavour, and not too hot on the tongue!" He said from the other room. I chuckled to myself, wiping off my wet face with my sleeve. Thank god Alex didn't see me like this. I have to be a man around her.
"..and with that, you will have what you call, tea of the Angels." John finished. I had no idea what he had said before that.
"Johnny boy! You're "immaculate angel tea" is done!"
"Coming my lovely!" He called back in a high feminine voice.
I shook my head at him and smiled. I turned around and handed him the tea as he sat down at the little table. I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms, watching him drink his tea.
He looked at me. "This would be the tea, the janitor angels would drink."
I laughed. "Is that a compliment?"
"Well it's still an angel so,"
I laughed even more as he smiled, taking another sip.
There was a small silence before I spoke up. "I wonder, do you think we could take a visit to the doctors."
"Why? Why is there something wrong with me?!" He asked worriedly.
I laughed. "No John there's nothing wrong with you, nothing new anyways."
"I 'eard that you bastard."
I laughed even more as I grabbed my coat and slipped on my shoes. "Well come on then!"
He gave an exaggerated shrug, and got out of his chair, putting his coat back on. Before leaving, I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote "gone with John for a bit, be back soon xoxo" Just so Alex knew.
We left the flat and got in Johns car, going to the nearest clinic. Once there we asked the doctor if it was possible for someone who's suffered severe memory loss to regain it.
"It is very difficult for full memory to return, but with the proper help it is not impossible."
"Oh few," I said. "My girlfriend got in a crash and can't remember a single thing, I'm scared she'll never fully remember me."
The doctor nodded. "I'm very sorry to hear that. With medical attention frequently and lots of chats she should eventually get at least a good amount of it back."
I smiled. "Thank you so much Doctor," I said shaking his hand happily.
"No problem son, and have a nice day you two." John and I nodded and said our goodbyes, leaving the clinic right after.
"Well there you go, it'll be fine just like I said." John began, driving back towards my place.
"Ey it's still hard for me, how would you feel if your girlfriend suddenly doesn't remember a thing?"
John kept quiet, I knew it was because he didn't have any sort of smart ass comment to say back.
"Anyway, the doctor said with lots of chats an some medical attention she wouldn't fine so I'll stop complaining."
"Good, it's making me ears bleed." John added.
I looked at him with narrowed eyes, and while he kept his eyes on the road, I took the opportunity to give him a good smack in the back of the head. But John who tends to get startled easily, jumped wen I smacked him and swerved the car like a mad man. Once he himself under control he looked at me with an annoyed expression.
"Bloody hell man why'd you do that!?"
I started laughing as John angrily ranted at me. I didn't care to listen to what he was saying, and kept on my laughter, until I heard him say this.
"You could've caused a crash and memory loss just like you did with your girlfriend!"
When he said this, I stopped laughing and looked at him. I know John is a hothead, but to say something like that, that was just playing rude.
"Asshole," was all I said, before getting out of the car at the next stoplight.
"Paul come on!" He yelled out the window.
"Talk to me when you feel like being a kiss ass,"
He shrugged and shook his head. "Get in the car,"
I looked at him and gave him the finger, then crossing the road in front of the car an heading to my place.

Once there, I wet straight towards the bedroom, pushing open the door only to find Alex sitting on the bed.
"What's wrong?" She asked quietly.
I looked at her frustratedly. "Nothing, Johns a prick that's all." I walked over to the bed and fell onto it face first, laying motionless.
"He said it was my fault that you got into a crash," I said, my voice muffled by the blanket.
There was a silence before Alex spoke. "..was it?"
I pushed myself off of my face and into a sitting position. "No, but he said it was."
Alex laughed. "Why do you listen to what he says?"
"...I don't know.." I mumbled.
Alex stood up and walked over to the doorway. "Where were you earlier anyways?"
I looked at her. "We went to the clinic.. To see if there was a possibility that you could get better."
Her eyes widened. "Oh.. And is there..?"
I nodded. "Yea, there is."
She gave a soft smile, and I giving one back. I stood up off the bed, and Alex came to me right as I did so, hugging me softly. I smiled and rested my head against hers, and tightly wrapping my arms around her.
"I want you back," I mumbled quietly. "I want my Alex back."

A.N- I must admit it was a little dull.

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