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I hummed on a song that was on my mind lately, shoving my hand up from my pocket to swipe away hair that got in my face. My hair was pretty long now, it was to my shoulders. I just hummed til I got to Nathalies house and knocked on.

I heard footstept getting closer and took a step back so I don't get knocked to the ground by the door. I saw Nathalie standing there with a huge grin on here face with red cheeks and her brwon hair in a pony tail. "Hi." She said in a breathe and I nodded. "Hi, uhm. Yeah, can I come in?" She nodded and I walked in, it all getting akward when I was the first step inside.

Since we weren't together officaly it was akward, so akward you can see it in the air and you can even cut through it with a knife. "So, anything you want? Tea, water?" Nathalie asked looking me up and down. "No, not really, I just came here to talk." She nodded sitting down, but I just stood, I wasn't going to be here for long. "I...I think we should see other people." She looked at me with big eyes. It was hurt in them, but most of all anger. "See other people? What make you say that?!" She sounded annoyed and I took her hand, but she pushed it away.

"It's not you, it's me. Or it's another one. And since we aren't together I-" she stopped me. "Another?! Who?! When we 'broke up' it was because we had to, and we said we still loved eachother and all that. You know what? Screw you! I hate you, you're an bastard!" She began hitting my chest repetiatly and the tears were slowly running down her cheeks. "I hate you! I wish you'll die!" She just stood with tears running down her face before finally looking at me.. "Who did you meet?" She whispered and I looked at my shoes.

"I've met her for long time ago. Before I liked you, when we met I wanted to make her jelaous and the first month and a half of or relationchip was with no feelings from my side, I only used you. And now I got her back and I started dating her for two months ago." She looked up in disgust. "For two months ago we were together. You cheated." I moved my hand, trying to stroke her hair, but agin she pushed my hand away and got closer to me only to push me with a disgusted look in her eyes.

"And what's this girls name?" She said through grittened teeth and I bit my lip. "Tiffany." That's when I was hurt the most, not physically, but she nodded and said. "Fine. I loved you trough all this, now it's gone. My love for you is gone. You should go now." She said. And she meant it. It wasn't love in her eyes, it wasn't disgust, sadness, anger. It was no love, nothing that showed that she would forgive me. Nothing to assure me that it's all fine.

It would be better if she slapped me in the face. With a chair. "Good, I'm glad you didn't took this too hard." I said, trying to sound like I didn't care. "Oh, trust me when I say you already broke me first time we broke up, after that my heart was shattered and never really fixed, thanks to you. And anyway I have this friend I think I should date, he really helped me when you let me down." My hands fists in to balls but I nodded. "Fine, see you later." I said walking to the door.

"We'll see on that one." She said slamming the door and I saw trough the window that she sat down and read a book. Not even a tear slipped, she only read a book and got a phone call and laughed with the one on the phone.

I walked kicking everything on my way. It was raining, and I love when it's raining so no one can see the tears rolling down my wet, red cheeks and down to the ground.

Endelig hadde han gått. Jeg satt der helt alene. Han var utro, og jeg som trodde han hadde forandret seg. Jeg var knust, jeg ville skrike og gråte og slå ham, men jeg gjorde det ikke. Jeg ville gråte, men gråt ikke. Jeg ville føle at hjertet verket og at det var vanskelig og kontrolere pusten, men det skjedde ikke. For jeg var ikke knust fordi han slo opp, men fordi han hadde lovet og ikke gå bak ryggen på meg igjen, men han gjorde det. Jeg reiste meg. "Jeg er bare trøtt, jeg tenker på det i morgen, så vil alt bli bra."

Jeg visste at jeg løy til meg selv, det nyttet ikke. Men jeg fortsatte å holde masken oppe for min egen skyld, selv om det var nytteløst. Det er som å lyve til sine foreldre når de vet du lyver, men du fortsetter, for du prøver og overbevise deg selv mer enn alle andre om at du har det bra. Men jeg vet jeg ikke har det bra. Jeg vet at elsker han like høyt som igår, men i morgen, i morgen skal jeg ta på masken foran alle.

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