Chapter 44

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I opened my eyes slowly and tried my best to sit up but I just couldn't. I hear sirens in the distance and I can see people on there phones looking at us scared. I looked over to the other side and seen a sight I didn't want to see.

"Cameron? " I said crying. The side of his head had blood pouring out of it and his eyes were closed. He was breathing but I could tell that he was struggling. "Cameron please." I said struggling to reach for him. His phone started to ring and it was right beside me so I tried my best to grab it.

"Please help. " I sobbed into the phone after I answered it. "Faith where are you? " Nash asked confused. "We got in an accident." I told him. "Are you guys okay? " He asked concerned.

"Cameron won't wake up, and  it's all my fault! " I cried into the phone. "Faith where are you? " He asked trying not to freak out. "I don't know." I sobbed. "Please look around for me." He begged. I turned my head over and seen a Walmart and a whole bunch of other stores. "Were near Walmart." I said weakly. "Were on our way! " He said before hanging up.

I looked back over at Cameron and grabbed his hand and kissed it while crying. "Please wake up. " I barely whispered. "Cameron, you can't leave me. " I told him. My eyes became weaker and my body felt numb. "Your aren't leaving me. " I said before my eyes closed slowly.

Nash's POV

"What do you mean we can't see them! " I said angrily. "Sir they are being taken care of you all aren't allowed in there yet. " The lady at the desk told me."What exactly is being taken care of? " Shawn asked.

They are both currently in comas" She said sadly. "No, this isn't happening. " I said shaking my head. "I'm sorry sir. " She said sympathetically. "Are they going to be okay? " Jack G asked with worry in his voice. "I don't have the answer to that. I'm really sorry. " She sighed.

"Where is she? " A girl said running up to us.  "Who are you? " Taylor asked. "I'm Faiths  sister,  please tell me where she is. " She said tearing up. "She's in surgery. " I said softly and she looked at me with sad eyes. .

"Did your mom come with you? " I asked and she shook her head. "She has nothing to do with Faith anymore so she didn't come. " She told me. "Faith could die and her mom isn't here?" Taylor said angrily .

"She's not going to die." She said shaking her head. "And neither is Cameron. " She added. "I really hope not." I sighed. "We just have to stay positive and we have to pray. " Jack G told us and we all nodded.

"Where's Faith? " The boy from IHOP said rushing into the hospital. "She's in surgery sir. " The lady at the desk told him. "Matt what are you doing here? " Faiths sister asked. "Just because Faith and I aren't together doesn't mean I don't care about her. " He said softly. "You never cared I don't know why you care now. " She snapped at him.  Damn.

"I really don't feel like getting into an argument right,  so can someone please tell me what happened? " He said sadly. "Apparently, they hit a tractor trailer head on and then the car flipped over multiple times and they ended up busting through the window and into a ditch." Jack J explained.

"Are you guys the family of Cameron Dallas? " A doctor said coming up to us. "Something like that. " I told him. "Okay well just wanted you all to know Cameron is really beat up right now. " He started. This can't be good.

"It's going to take him a while to recover and-" He said before Taylor cut him off. "So he's okay now, right? " Taylor asked nervously. "Cameron is alive and well. He came out of his coma quicker than what we thought he would in fact I don't even think he was in a coma he was just not able to respond. " He told us and we all let out breathe of relief.

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