Chapter 1

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A/N: Thanks for choosing to read my book!!! Please understand this book is sort of like the cinderella story movies, but most of the story is from my imagination. There will be times when it seems cliche, but trust me, it's anything but. Tell me what you think and please remember to comment and vote because I entered this story into the wattys 2016 and I'd really love to win an award. Please remember I'm a first time writer and there might be some typos and grammar mistakes! Thanks!!

Important: I'm getting kind of tired of having to repeat myself to comments in the upcoming chapters. Yes, in the beginning it seems exactly like any Cinderella story. I made it like that on purpose! Just remember that I am known for my plot twists. This is definitely not a regular Cinderella story. Having said that, I hope you understand and keep an open mind because this will be full of ups and downs and mysteries that won't be understood fully until the end, and of course, a love story. So, read on, and please enjoy! ;-)

**Pictures: Molly Quinn as Stephanie Coleman**

Stephanie's POV

I am having the worst day.

After all, when you're dragged to a boring office party by your dad and your annoying and conceited stepmother, then get soaked in wine because a drunk man crashes into you, it tends to look like the worst day.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I hate my dad's new wife (even if she is a pain in my ass with her whiny voice and fake blond hair and complaints about everything). And it's not that I hate parties, I just wish I was at home reading or practicing my secret talent: singing.

I have loved singing since I first heard my mother singing as a little girl. She was amazing, and I soon discovered that I was too. I'd twirl around in a tiara and poofy dress, and sing as loud as I could with my mother in tow. In my 5 year old state of mind, we were two princesses, and our house was our castle. But the two princesses soon became one.

My mom died of leukemia when I was 8, taking a piece of my heart with her. Then, a year later, my dad married Carrie. She's the typical trophie wife, from her dyed blond hair to her perfectly manicured feet. As if that wasn't enough, she brought with her my new stepsister Stacy.

Stacy's main goal in life is to be famous for being famous and beat all the Kardashians at their own game. Her only talent is making sure she never comes out of the house without so much as a hair out of place. Her first words to me were: if you stay out of my spotlight, we should be fine. And she was nine when she said that, so imagine her now at 17. Yeah, that's how sad my life is. But anyway, let's go back to the worst day.

I am at my dad's office party (against my will) celebrating his win on a particularly tough case. He's an up and coming prosecuting attorney, and this case had been one of the hardest. But in the end the bad guy went to jail, and there was talk that my dad might be promoted to DA.
I'm very proud of my dad, I just wish I didn't need to go to these parties where people just rub elbows. I'm not like Stacy who loves the attention and spent the entire night talking and laughing with people she deemed important. All I want is a good book, or a nice chat with my best friend Amy. But no, here I am at a boring party with people pretending to like each other, and to top it all off I get drenched in wine by a drunk man.

I get home from the party and immediately threw the poofy monstrosity of a dress into the hamper. I look around my spacious room and all the luxuries I have, knowing in my heart I'd trade it all for my mom.

A deep sigh rattles from my chest. When my mom died my dream of becoming a pop star died. Then, when my dad married Carrie and became a big shot attorney, my days consisted of avoiding any kind of popularity, hanging out with Amy, and singing in private. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder what it'd be like to sing for others. I'll never know though, because that dream stopped as soon as my mom died. I just can't find it in myself to show others the talent that meant so much to my mother, because it feels shriveled up without her here to water it.

She was my rock, that one person everyone has that seems to be the light in your life. With her everything seemed possible, but without her I'm alone with a dark and broken soul. A deep hole lays in heart, and it only gets deeper everyday that my dad doesn't so much as acknowledge me with a simple hello.

So I sit on my bed tired of feeling so empty inside, but knowing that one person that could fill it is gone forever. Nothing can change that. I'm sure of it.


Author's Note
So this is the first chapter to my first ever book. Please bear with me on the editing. Comment, share, and vote please!!! Thank you so much for reading!

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