"Don't worry about it Luke." I heard Calum's voice try to comfort me from the backseat. He knew I was always nervous around girls, and Charlie rejecting me was no help. "She's just some chick. Tons like her."
"I doubt it." I said with no hesitation. To be honest, I don't even know why I said that. I mean I did just meet her, the only thing I was for sure about her was that her name was Charlie. I think it's just because I was upset, I was saying the first thing that came to mind, even if it wasn't true.
"She was perfect." I said mainly to myself.
Ashton averted his gaze from the road to look at me, sitting in the passenger seat. He gave me some lecture about how if she was right for me then she'd of done some bull shit. I didn't know what he was saying. I was zoned out thinking about what I possibly done wrong to turn her away from me. I kept on running over the list of things I had done throughout our meet. Nothing seemed wrong to me. It was probably just me.
"Are you listening, Luke?" I heard Ashton's familiar voice ask, pushing me off my train of thought.
"Not really."
There I went again, not really caring about what I had said to my best friends. It was strange considering I always thought very carefully about what I was going to say before I vocalized it, but this time I wasn't.
"Okay, well when you feel like talking just let us know. We're her to talk anytime, you know that." He said remaining calm even though I was being a dick.
"Everything will be cool tonight, Luke." Micheal stated sitting next to Calum in the backseat of the van. "It'll be fun. Like nothing ever happened."
I nodded in agreement. He was right. That should take my mind off things for a while.
I opened the front door of the house belonging to someone I hated to see him standing there. Logan. I pushed past him to see three faces I actually enjoyed seeing. I smiled taking the sunglasses off of my eyes and placing them atop my head.
"Those are mine." Christian stated pointing at the sunglasses.
"Thanks for sharing."
"Someone's grumpy." I voice I cringed at as soon as I heard. Fucking Logan.
"Mainly just because you're here." I spat back.
He rolled his eyes and moved into the kitchen out of my sight. Thank God.
I grabbed the cranberry juice out of the grocery bag I was carrying and tossed it to Trevor. His face lit up, his eyes wide with appreciation.
"I thought they were all out!" he exclaimed jokingly cuddling the bottle to his cheek.
"I ran into someone." I replied.
He seemed confused but shortly brushed it off, happy with his juice. I don't know what's up with that boy most of the time, nor how I tolerated living with him.
I pulled my sprite and aspirin out of the bag as well. I opened both of the bottles and took two tablets, washing them down with the sprite.
"Did you get me anything?" Skylar asked groggily. I assumed he would be hung over as well considering he had a pretty low tolerance to alcohol. I handed him my leftover stick from the corn dog I had eaten while driving.
"Gee thanks." He mentioned sarcastically.
"Anytime." I replied giggling at his reply. I handed him my sprite to let him have a couple of sips. He graciously accepted.
"You guys ready for the gig tonight?" Christian asked, not a hit of remorse in his voice. Him and his sober ass. Wasn't fair.Then again, it was my fault I was hungover. Us three moaned tiredly in response to his question.
"Enough said." he laughed at his own remark.
"Oh yeah, someone stole your albums from your car." I stated bluntly with no expression on my face. His face on the other hand went from a bright smile to serving platter with anger being the main course. He remained quiet. Him not being one to ever verbalize his anger.
"Well now we can all preform a terrible show tonight." Trevor remarked, referring to the gig our band had to play tonight. It was going to be one our biggest performances yet. I was excited until now. I didn't want to do anything other than go home and nap for a million years.
I looked at the time. 1 P.M. Must've been a great night, pretty shitty morning though.
"I'm gonna go back to the apartment. Get my stuff set up for tonight." I stated. "You guys should start too."
"It's not 'till nine, Charlie." Skylar croaked, just like I had this morning, I could tell he had just woken up not that long before I got back from the gas station and Luke. Luke. Why did I keep on thinking about him?
"I know, I just want to be ready for it. It's gonna be big."
They nodded in agreement.
"We should probably come too considering there's only one car." Christian recommended, still angry about his precious albums. "We'll just raid Trevor's closet."
Back at the apartment at last, I was the first to take a shower. I think I needed it the most out of all of us. We only had one shower so that was a bit of a struggle. I let my hair dry naturally as I did my make up. Applying my concealer and powder. Followed by my eyeliner which I added wings to (I usually did this for shows) Then mascara. I threw on a black tank top with the lettering 'Obey Propaganda' across the chest area and white skinny jeans with large rips in the knees and smaller holes scattered up and down my legs and my converse I was wearing when I me Luke.
There It was again. The faint picture of Luke's face painted in the back of my mind. He hadn't left there all day.
My hair was finally dry and I turned the radio, the first song playing was 'My hero - Foo Fighters' I loved this song so as I sang along with the song I straitened my wavy shoulder length hair.
I was finally ready and I still had a couple of hours. So I did what any reasonable person would do, I took a nap.
I woke up from my nap feeling decent. Still not great, but decent. I walked out of my bedroom to be greeted with the three other band mated, ready to go.
"Ready?" Christian asked all cheerful and shit.
"Is everything packed?" I asked.
"Yep, we did it while you were packing." Christian replied smiling with his perfect teeth.
"I love you guys."
"We love you too."
And with the we were off to our show.
We set up all of our equipment, and we were ready to play. People were already starting to arrive at the small club. I was excited. The adrenaline and anticipation for the show took away from the hang over. I was ready to have fun.
Then he walked in.
Hoped you're liking it so far!
I like being able to share my ideas here, it's fun.
Thanks for reading :)

The Gig (lrh)
Fanfiction"She said it herself, she didn't believe in love." _ A story that starts with a hangover, a troubled girl, and a determined boy. _ If you are uncomfortable with vulgar language and adult situations, I do not advise you to read this story. I hope th...