I waited outside to see when Ashton would appear. Within minutes, he roughly placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Alright, mate?" He asked with concern, probably wondering why I was outside on my own leaning against a cold brick wall. "Why are you out here?"
"Just thinking." I lied.
"Okay, well how about you come back in? Like we said, it'll be fun." He released his grip on my shoulder and pushed through the doors. I hesitated before
I followed.The dj was still blaring music from the speakers. Charlie wasn't on stage anymore. I assumed she was somewhere huddled in the never-ending crowd. It was a huge turn out. Probably two to three hundred people here already, and it wasn't even the end of the night.
"There you are!" I heard a voice call from far behind me. Next thing I knew there was the same boy that was on stage with Charlie earlier. He slug his long arm over my shoulders, his other arm extended to a red solo cup filled with liquid. He was about as tall as me, probably around my age as well. "You see that hottie over there?"
He pointed out Charlie in the herd of people. I was honestly surprised he could spot her so quickly, being surrounded by so many different bodies. I nodded.
"Well it's your lucky day," He stated with a goofy smile on his face, his dark blue eyes fixed on mine, "She wants to talk to you."
I was honestly shocked. I thought she didn't want anything to do with me. Yet there she stood, looking better than ever, well, y'know, out of the two times I had seen her.
"Right now?"
He nodded.
I gulped, a lump following down my throat. As if I wasn't confused enough. Now she wants to talk to me. I followed the blond haired boy, leading me to a girl I didn't even know.
"My name's Skylar by the way." He shouted over the music turning his head back to look at me.
"Luke." I replied at the same volume.
He tuned back around as we met Charlie, Standing in the middle of it all. She blended in with the crowd, yet it seemed as though everything revolved around her.
Her eyes met mine again, the green in them shocking every fiber in my being.
"There you are m'dam." The boy called Skylar directed toward Charlie, gesturing toward me.
"Thanks, Sky." She glanced at him before directing her gaze back to me.
"Hey." She said stepping closer, a crooked smile playing on her lips. "Come with me, I have somethings to explain."
She grabbed my wrist with her rough hands and easily pushed through the large crowd, bringing us both up and around the stage to the back, pushing through a door that led back outside. This I had assumed was the back of the building.
"So I just wanted to clarify," She started, "I'm a huge bitch."
I have to admit, this took me by surprise. Not what I was expecting at all.
"W-what?" I stuttered, not really sure of how to reply.
"I'm not finished." Thank God. "I am a bitch, and I am able to recognize that, thus emphasizing how much of an ass hole I am, because only an ass would call themselves a bitch and mean it. But the thing is, I don't portray myself as a bitch because I turned you down, or because I ever turned anyone down, it's because that's just how I seem to be. I was raised by bitches, to be a bitch, therefore I am a bitch."

The Gig (lrh)
Fanfiction"She said it herself, she didn't believe in love." _ A story that starts with a hangover, a troubled girl, and a determined boy. _ If you are uncomfortable with vulgar language and adult situations, I do not advise you to read this story. I hope th...