1: I Have Cancer

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Chapter One
Maya Hart

"Rrriiiinnnggg!!!" The school bell rang, indicating that it was not only the end of study hall, but the end of the school day. It was now 2:30 on Monday, October 5th. I quickly grabbed all of my books and stood up. I looked over at my best friend Riley's desk, which was to the right of mine, to see if she was ready to go yet. She was still gathering all of her books, so I decided to patiently wait for her.

"Have a nice evening, class!" My home room and history teacher, Mr. Matthews, who also happens to be Riley's father, exclaimed as most of the students fled out of the room.

"Bye, Riley and Maya!" Farkle and Lucas told us as they started to head towards the door.

"Bye, Farkle and Lucas!" We replied as we turned around to wave at them.

"See you guys tomorrow!" They both told Riley and I as they waved at us and walked out the door.

"See you tomorrow!"

"You ready to go?" Riley asked me as she stood up out of her desk with all of the books that she brought to study hall in her arms.

"Yep!" I replied.

With that being said, I said goodbye to Mr. Matthews, Riley told him that she would see him later, walked out the classroom door, and started to make our way towards our lockers.

"So, Riles, what's up now that we can talk to each other?" I asked as I swung my locker door wide open, making sure not to hit anybody, especially Riley since her locker is right next to mine.

"Maya, we have every class together," Riley began as she opened up her locker, "Even though my dad doesn't allow anyone to talk during study hall, you know nothing went on in there."

I quickly pulled my backpack out of my locker. "Well, excuse me for trying to start up a conversation with my best friend!"

Riley then pulled her backpack out. "But, can you believe that my dad doesn't let anyone talk during study hall just because he thinks that we'll distract each other and not get any homework done!?!?"

"I know, right!?!? It's called multitasking, Matthews!"

"But, now that I think about it, he does have a point though. If he allowed talking, we wouldn't get as much homework done."

I started to stuff my backpack with all of the books, binders, folders, and notebooks that I would need to complete all of tonight's assignments, even though I most likely won't do any of them. (But, hey, I might get extremely bored later on and actually decide to do it!) "True, but it's better than getting no homework done."

Riley started to stuff her backpack with all of the stuff that she needed. "True, but he is going to have to let us start to talk to each other during study hall at one point. I mean what's gonna happen when we're gonna start working on group projects and we need to discuss something with our partners and we can't do it at one of our houses or somewhere else due to each other's after-school schedules?"

"You're right. He's probably going to have to let us talk quietly sometime this school year."


Riley and I both shut our lockers at the same exact time and slung our backpacks over our backs.

"Anyways, you wanna hang out?" I asked Riley.

"Sorry, Maya, as much as I want to hang out with you, I can't," Riley apologized, "I have a doctor's appointment at 3:30, which means that I have to start heading home soon so that my parents can take me there."

I sighed, feeling disappointed. "Oh, ok. Well, good luck at the doctor's. I know how much you hate going there."


"Wait, why do you hate going to the doctor's?"

Riley shrugged. "I don't know. I guess that you could say that I'm just scared."

"Scared of what? Riley, you have been to the doctor's millions of times before! You know that nothing bad ever happens there!"

"I'm just scared that I will find out that I'm, you know, unhealthy..."

"Riley, why the heck would you be unhealthy? You eat just the right amount of healthy food and don't eat too much junk food or sweets! You don't feel sick or anything, do you?"

Riley shook her head. "I feel perfectly fine."

"Riley, if you were unhealthy, you would feel it; and you said that you feel perfectly fine, which means that you are perfectly healthy!"

Riley shrugged once more. "It's just that every time I go there, I have this odd feeling that they'll discover that I have something that you don't experience the symptoms of until later on."

"Riley, you are perfectly fine! You even said so yourself! Now stop worrying!"

Riley scratched the back of her head. "Maybe I'm letting this doctor's appointment get a little over my head. You're probably right, Maya. I'm perfectly healthy. Thanks for the little pep talk!"

"You're welcome!"

With that being said, Riley and I started to walk towards the exit.

I decided to walk Riley home. As we always do, we rode the subway, which took about a good ten minutes. It took us about five minutes to walk to Riley's house from the subway station.

"Bye, Maya!" Riley told me as she waved at me and started to walk towards her apartment building.

"Bye, Riles!" I replied as I waved back at her, "See you tomorrow at school!"

"See you tomorrow!"

"Oh, and remember: you have nothing to worry about! You are not unhealthy! You are perfectly fine!"

"Ok, thanks!"

I waited for Riley to get inside of the apartment building before I turned around and started walking home. Since our houses are in completely different neighborhoods, I had to walk back to the subway station and take the subway to my house. By the time I had finally gotten home, it was 3:15. Of course, my mother, Katy, was not home and was at work. As soon as I got in, I dropped my backpack on the floor and went in my bedroom. I then plopped myself down on my bed and began to relax.

Four hours later, I decided to at least complete some of my homework out of boredom. Just as I was about to pick my pencil up and start writing, the smartphone that Mr. Matthews gave me as a present started to ring. I picked it up to look at the caller ID. It was Riley. Since my phone was locked, I had to swipe my finger across it's touch screen to answer it.

"Riles, what's up?" I asked as I brought my phone up to my ear, "How'd the appointment go?"

"M-Maya, there's s-something that I-I need t-to tell y-you," Riley told me with a shaky voice.

My stomach dropped. This could possibly not be good.

"What? What is it?" I asked in a worried tone.

There was a short moment of silence.



"I have cancer."

A/N: Hey, guys! I am also writing another Girl Meets World Fanfic at the same time as I'm writing this one, so this is how the updating schedule is going to go: on Saturdays, I'll post a chapter of both books and on Sundays I'll post a chapter of both books. If I get ahead of myself, then maybe I'll update on Friday every once in a while as a bonus! Also, if I get busy and have to make it so I have to update less often, I will let you guys know! Just so you know, the other book is called "Just a Dream". Bye, everyone! I hope that you are enjoying this so far! Chapter Two will be posted tomorrow!

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