35: We're Going to Europe!

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Chapter Thirty-Five
Riley Matthews

    There was a short moment of silence on the other line.

    "Wh-what?" Maya asked, confused.

    "I said that I think I'm getting sicker, Maya," I repeated myself.

    "No, no, I heard you, but what happened? You seemed so happy and excited this morning when you saw Sugar and Cookie for the first time. What makes you say that you are getting sicker?"

    "Well, do you remember that ugly, brown mark that I found on my arm about a couple of months ago?"


    "Well, I was cradling Sugar and Cookie in my arms, so I was looking down at them, admiring how cute they are, when I suddenly noticed that the mark has gotten a whole lot better. I rolled my sleeves up so I wouldn't get any rabbit fur on them, so that's how I was able to see it."

    There was a short moment of silence. I could tell that Maya was really concerned and upset for me.

    "H-how m-much b-bigger d-did i-it g-get?" She stammered.

    I thought for a moment, glancing down at the large, ugly, brown spot on my arm for a short second. "I would say that it has doubled in size."

    "D-does i-it h-hurt?" Maya asked, clearly concerned, "Or is it bothering you?"

    "Well, it doesn't hurt," I began as I poked the brown spot with my finger, "But it does bother me to look at. It's so ugly, and I can't stand to look at it. Maya, why must I have melanoma?"

    "I'm so sorry, baby... And I don't know why God has chosen for you to have this terrible sickness. You are the sweetest, kindest, and most caring girl that I know, and don't deserve to have melanoma." Maya let out a short sigh. "Maybe we will understand God's choices later on in life. Perhaps it is to make you more optimistic towards bad situation in the future. I know that you're an optimist, but nothing bad has really ever happened to you. This is the worst thing you have ever gone through, and will hopefully always be the worst. So maybe if you were to get the swine flu when you get older, you would be more positive outlook towards it. You would just say, 'this may be bad, but I will get better soon. I know that I can heal if I survived cancer,'."

    I thought about what Maya had just said for a moment. "Yeah, maybe... Perhaps that is the reason... But that will only be true if I do have a future. It will only be true if by some chance I do survive melanoma."

    "You will survive. You will have a future, Riley."

    "How do you know that for sure?"

    "Because I know you. You may be depressed about this, but you're not a quitter. I know that you will be a survivor because you are a fighter. I know that you will have a future because no matter how sick you get, you will always have enough strength to make it through."

    "But what if I get really weak?"

    "You will still be strong. You get the strength from me, your parents, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, and Auggie. I know you Riley. You love us more than anything. Because of that, you will keep on fighting. And we love you more than anything too, and that will give you the strength to go on."

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