All of a sudden, I felt someone pinch my butt!

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May 1, 1998

Okay, I really don't understand Zach. Today, in music class, we had a substitute who didn't care what the hell we did. Zach and I got into a huge, mondo fight about whose CD we were going to listen to. It was actually kind of fun - we made eye contact the whole time - but I don't think he noticed.

At the end of class, he had drawn this perverse picture of George Jetson masturbating that he and all the boys were looking at. I said, "Can I see?" He looked up to see if the sub was looking, and then handed it to me, quickly and secretly. I didn't think he would let me see it! [Did I mention Zach was an artist? This sketch was part of his "futuristic" period.]

Right now, the entire eighth grade is on a class trip. The only kids who aren't allowed to go are the ones who have been suspended. There is one group of boys who have been suspended like, twenty times each, so they didn't go on the trip and they were in school today.

Today in the hall, right after school ended, I stopped at Melanie's locker because I saw that Michelle was there - and I said "hi" to Scott, too, who started blushing so bad. I was standing with my back to the hall, facing toward the lockers.

All of a sudden, I felt someone pinch my butt! I turned around and saw that group of eighth grade boys walking by, and Chris Walker was looking back at me, smiling. I just looked after them and didn't say anything.

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