Chapter 1-The e-mail

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"Hmm..." I thought with my pen to the paper.

"Kayleigh!" Martha boomed from down the hall. As she ran into my room, we both got up with our forms and jumped up and down. Martha and I are young writers, 'Word Makers' as my dad calls them. Martha and I have never published a book, but when we saw the flyer at the library, we both knew we finally had a chance. To be real authors.

"I can't think of anything!" I say slamming my paper down and sitting in my bright pink rolling chair. "You'll think of something, I'm sure of it!" "Yeah, 'sure'." Now this is the point everything gets real quiet, mostly because Martha doesn't usually get sarcasm, and partly because she can't think of anything to say. So we just both let out a big breath and start giggling uncontrollably. We end up on the floor yelling out random suggestions."Banana!" I scream "Porcupine!" Martha bellows. Followed by more giggles, I get an amazing idea. I get real quiet, thinking about the light bulb that went off in my brain. "What?" Martha whispers. I give her a look that says 'Shut up I'm thinking.' She understands and closes her mouth.

"Get this on paper. Quick. Martha scrambles for a pen and paper and looks at me hopefully. Ready to write. " A girl who has an abusive father, she has lived with it for years and years. But today was different. Her dream world takes her somewhere else. A place with monsters and fairies. Wizards and wicked old witches. She stays there alone. Until she finds herself a friend. Alanna. A fairy that has had her wings stolen. The thief had run away before she could catch him, for without her wings she cannot fly. After the burglary, she decided to roam the forests for someone to help her find her wings. Alice, the girl. Finds Alanna and decides to help. On their adventure, they encounter countless obstacles. Including pirates and beasts beyond comprehension. Until finally... Um... Finally... Hmm."

Martha was leaning in. Her pencil broken from writing too fast." FINALLY WHAT!!!" Martha screams."Finally... I don't know." "Well. We have to think of something. But what you have is amazing. I mean, fairies? Where did that come from? You usually write about death and love and gooey stuff like that." Martha continues to jabber on but I stop paying attention.

A few days after the "Finally fiasco" We get an email from a mysterious account. I called Martha immediately. "Did you get the email?" I ask " Yeah. I'm looking at it right now."

It read:

Dear Kayleigh And Martha,

You are invited to the assembly of the Dalta Writing Association. No questions are to be asked until the assembly. All questions will be answered. If you fail to comply and give the correct password, you will be wiped of your memory. Have a nice day!


PS: The password is "stolen"


I had told my mother that I was going to Martha's house for a night or two and that I would be back by Sunday. "Do you need anything else?" My mother asks. "No, I think I got everything. Bye!"I walk to Martha's house at around noon. When I knock on her door, Tristan, Martha's older brother answers, still in his boxers. He rubs his eyes, his hair tousled."Oh. Hey Kayleigh. I'll go get Martha." Tristan is the lead singer for his band, The Magic Wand. Martha once dragged me along to one of his shows where they played a set before another small town band. " I like them, they have a sort of underground feel, loud, but beautiful." Martha said loudly over the screaming of the audience. Near the end of their last song the candles came out, I never understood that. Why with the candles? To me, something about it screams 'cult'. The front door opens again and my memories shatter before my eyes. Bringing me back to reality. Martha was staring at me, alarmed. "Are you okay? You were a million miles away."

"Yeah I'm fine... Can I come in?" "Of course." Martha said suspiciously. We walked to her pink and purple painted room, far different from mine. Pictures hung on the walls from our many 'adventures' one of then was of her and I at the top of Mount Elk in the Wichitas. When we got to the top I was wheezing and Martha was jumping up and down. Afterwards, my legs felt like jelly and on the way down we played 20 questions. " So are we going or what?" Martha asked, eager to leave for the mysterious gathering. " Oh, right. Do you have everything?" I ask " I think so, phone, extra batteries, food, money, address, map. I've got it all." Martha smiled. " Good,How much money?" I wonder. " Five hundred dollars. Including bus fares, food, motels, the works!" " Perfect, Where the hell did you get all of that money though?" " Oh, I've been saving for like, three months, my mom gives me allowances every week depending on what chores I do and I just tried not to buy a load of junk food..." Martha's voice trailed off. "Great. Lets go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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