Kareena's "Help"

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Me- Kareena I need help. I have an addiction to online shopping.. I found a new online shop and I'm afraid. I saved my money for like 4 months and I'm about to blow it all!!

Kareena- What have you bought?

Me- A variety of things. My bill is like over $200 and I'm not even done yet...
There are jackets, dresses, boots. Cover ups, vests, jackets, etc.

Me- ... I haven't looked at half of the website yet... I have to cut myself off.... But it is so hard..

Kareena- LOL aaawww Omi. Dont cut yourself off yet. Look at everything. Then look at your cart. Then pick a few things each month.

Me- ... :'( But but I can't control myself... I'm trying not to look at my screen...

Kareena- I know its hard hun. All that black. The cute boots. Leather jackets...

Me- Damnit I'm online again now thanks...

Kareena- LMAO welcome!

Me- *whispers to the computer* I must have everything. Never leave me again okay?

Me- *Notices you look at me* wtf are you looking at I'm having a moment?!

Kareena- LMAO you hilarious AF

Me- My addiction is serious... :'(

Me- *whispers to the computer* all that black and leather ×-× you know what I like Blackheart.

Authors Notes: So this was a real conversation I had with my friend my addiction is only getting worse. i think I'm going insane... I cri evry tim... Anyway tell me about some of your addictions, peaces my friends!

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