Ch.12 Broken Secrets

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See not even a week later and I'm uploading again! (: hope you like it.


As I was beginning to think fate had let me down and that I would die stuck with my dad and his phsycotic pack I got a weird but warming feeling deep in my chest. It's like the feeling you get when you're at the top of a rollar coaster or when you look deep into your mates eyes. The feeling really sent me over the edge. As we were walking towards my dads territory wolves came from all around us and surrounded us. These weren't just any wolves, they were big, huge, pissed off wolves...they were my wolves.

I couldn't believe my eyes. They came for me! I felt so many emotions run through me. I was so happy and relieved to see that people actually cared about me. I was upset that they all put their lives in danger for me but I was thankful that they were all here.

"TY!" I yelled as I broke out of the death grip Jack had on my wrist and dodged over to my big sexy wolf formed mate. My dad tried to grab me but I was high on adrenaline and ran right to my mate and hugged his wolf form for dear life.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH! YOU PLANNED THIS!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? I'M YOUR DAD!!" My father spat with a clinched jaw. I could see the veins popping out of his neck as they did everytime he was pissed off. Fuming with anger and here I was scared shitless.

"I, I ...I'm done letting you talk to me like that! You're not the boss of my anymore! I found my mate and a pack that loves me and accepts me and you want to take all that away from me! And for what? Some kind of sick twisted revenge for mom dying! That's not fair to me!! I've taken beatings and abuse everyday for two years and I'm done! I'm staying with Tyler dad with or without a fight. If our packs fight you'll lose some of your best men. Think about it." I spoke with so much confidence because in the end I knew we would win.

Tyler nudged me with his nuzzle and licked the side of my face as a sign that he heard and understood what I said.

My dad and his pack charged at us and before I knew it I was pushed out of the way and was sent flying across the field I hit my head on a tree and blacked out.

I woke up and my vision was fogged and I couldn't tell where I was or what was going on. Finally my eyes adjusted and I could see the packs were still going at it but something was different. I pulled myself off the ground and walked towards the fight only to be pulled back by my dad.

"AGHHHHHH!" I screamed and Tys pack was at my side in seconds. Ty shifted back to human form and I started drooling at the sight of him naked before me. My body shuddered and I burned with lust. My skin felt like fire and my blood was cold as ice. I was frozen in my tracks at the sight of my mate. My dad froze too and I was pulled out of his grasp by three wolves I recognized, as Zach, Sean and Jake they attacked my dad and the four of them began fighting and Ty held me in his arms whispering soothing things into my ear.

I watched as my pack tore my dads legs right from his body as the remaining men from my dads pack just stood there. My dad looked so defeated and broken as he fell to the floor.

"I think it's done here Mark. You've lost like we promised you would. You and your men need to get out of here. Your wounds will heal, your legs are gone but our pack doctor will give you treatment and a wheelchair but after that I don't want to see you or your pack again. Leave me, Ally, and our pack alone. Next time I won't hesitate to kill you.' Tyler said in the most serious tone I have ever heard him use.

My father sighed and nodded. "I've caused more damage than necessary. Ally I am truely sorry. I never meant to hurt you I was just trying to protect you. Please forgive me." he spoke so sadly.

"You're forgiven. But get your treatment and leave. I'm tired and need sleep and so does my pack." I said in my luna tone. My pack and I started to walk off as Travis, the pack doctor treated my dad.

"Oh and dad? Don't come back." I said as I made eye contact with my father.

We made it back to the pack house and everyone began hugging me and thanking me. I hugged them all back and said thank you to everyone.

"Goodnight guys. I'm so sleepy." I fake yawned as I remember the image of Tyler naked. The lust evident in my eyes. Ty scooped me up and bolted up the stairs to our bedroom where we did everything but sleep. I heard the pack laughing and muttering sex jokes as Tyler slammed and locked door. He threw me on the bed and ripped off my clothes and made passionate love to me. Biting and licking me all over.

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