Broken Secrets ch.04

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Hey Guys! Hope you're liking it so far. Right now I'm trying to get past all the boring introductions. lol. I have a whole plan for this story. I know it's kinda like other stories where the typical girl meets the hot popular guy and her life changes but I promise you it's not. Remember VOTE & COMMENT<3


I was at the kitchen table doing homework when my dad walked in the door. I looked up and smiled at him. He glared at me and walked off. "CRAP!!" I thought to myself. He is home early and I haven't even started dinner. He gets mad when dinner isn't done when he arrives home. I quickly got up and prepared spaghetti. When it was done I set the table and told him that dinner was done. He came around the corner mad as hell. "WHAT THE HELL! YOU KNOW WHAT TIME I GET HOME. DINNER IS TO BE DONE WHEN I GET HOME!." he snapped. Then I felt a harsh punch to the face. I grabbed my cheek. Damn that hurt! I gasped when I felt the huge bump on my cheek. Then went to eat in silence with my asshole dad.

After dinner I did the dishes and cleaned my homework stuff up and went to my room. I took a fast shower then went to sleep. What seemed like 10 minutes later my alarm went off and I quickly straightend my hair and applied my make up. Today I settled for some dark wash skinny jeans and a neon tank top with my leather jacket and some heels. I arrived at school and got out of my car. Zach was there waiting for me. I smiled at him. "Hey." I said. He looked right at my face and he looked pissed off. "Who did that? Did your boyfriend hit you?" he raised his voice.

"SHHH! Someone will hear you! No I don't a boyfriend. It was my fault! Don't make it a big deal. Please." I begged. He studied my face for a minute. He lifted his hand to my cheek. "No you don't deserve this." He said with a sad face. He stared at me for a few more minutes.

"Give me your phone." He said out of nowhere. So I reached into my purse and took it out and handed it to him. He typed something into it and handed it back and said "If you EVER and I do mean EVER need me or want to talk to me, feel free to call or text me. I'll be there in a heartbeat." I smiled at him. "OK. thanks." With that we went to class. The day passed by quickly. When we got to science Tyler was already in his seat making out with Brittany.

My friend Beth was already sitting so I sat beside her. I looked over at Tyler again upset about the sight in front of me. She must have knew it bothered me seeing him with that whore.
"Ally are you ok?" She asked. I simply nodded and remained quiet.
"Ally I know you have a crush on him. I can sense it." She then said. I turned my head so fast I got wiplash. My eyes bugged out of my head. Damn she was right on the money. Something about this guy just got to me. I don't know what it is but he is always on my mind. He is a jerk but something tells me that's all an act.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked. She giggled and nodded.

"I hate to pop your bubble but Tyler Johnson is a huge player. His girls are like gum when the flavor is gone he just gets a new piece. It's sad but that's Tyler." She said.

"He's always with different girls?" I questioned.

"Yes! It's gross really. He won't ever change." She sadly spoke.

"I used to have the biggest crush on him but I never stood a chance." She said as she looked so sad.

I reached over and hugged her. Tyler stopped kissing the girl who then looked at me and Beth. "Fucking lesbians these days." she said as she sat down in front of me. "Go to hell Brittany!" Beth yelled. The black haired girl now known as Brittany turned around and flipped Beth off. I silently laughed to myself as Beth stuck her tongue out at Brittany I took this oppertunity to look at Tyler who was just staring at me with the same passionate look as yesterday. I was snapped out of my daze as I felt a hard blow to the face. Someone just slapped me! I looked over at whose hand just left my face. "Don't fucking look at him! He is mine." Brittany spoke. She just fucking hit me. Tyler was glaring at Brittany and his body was shaking. Everyone was looking at the three of us like we had lost our damn minds. I got up and ran. Ran out of the school and into the woods. I was so pissed off! Who does she think she is? Haven't I been through enough? I get beat everyday. I am forced to move to this town and more than half the people here hate me. I have one friend who actually cares about me and his brother hates me more than anything. Yet I am genetically drawn to him.

My body begins to shift as it is shaking out of control. My body broke into a sweat as my bones shifted and my face stretched down. I yelped in pain and gritted my teeth shut and let out an ear piercing scream. "AGHHHH!" Dammit it hurts more than being beaten. It hurts more than anything I've ever felt. After what felt like forever my senses came back. Everything smelt richer and my vision became clearer. I looked down at my paws. WAIT PAWS? Holy shit I'm a werewolf. My fur is all white with some dark brown spots. I felt someone looking at me. I sniffed out his scent. I'd know that scent anywhere. My eyes met the wolfs in front of me. He was all black with a small white spot on his back. I looked deep into his eyes. I know those eyes.

"Change back" the voice I heard the other day in my head demanded. I nodded and changed back and covered myself up. The black wolf changed back into his human form and my jaw hit the floor. Tyler Johnson is a werewolf too! He tossed my his tshirt and said "Put this on." Not wanting to be naked around the school player I turned around and slipped it on. When I turned back around his eyes raked me up and down. "Damn. You look hot in my shirt." He said his voice full of lust. I blushed and stood there.

"Sorry about running off. I was just really mad that Brittany slapped me. My body felt like it was on fire and my first instinct was to run. And here I am." I said as I looked down. He walked closer to me and lifted up my chin. I flinched from the contact of his skin on mine. He growled at me when I flinched. "Don't worry sunshine I won't hurt you." He softly spoke. My body shivered at his magnetic touch. My inner wolf began howling and said "MATE". Tyler looked me up and down before he picked me up and began walking back towards the school.

He walked and I fell into a light sleep in his arms. "What happened to your face?" his voice snapped me out of my sleep. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "I fell." I replied. His shook his head and sat me down on a huge rock and squat down in front of me. "Look Alyson, I know you didn't fall. I can see the fist imprint on your cheek. Tell me what happened." I thought about it for a second and decided I should tell him. He is my mate and will figure it out sooner or later. I felt trust towards him so what the hell?.

"I'll tell you. But you can't get mad." I softly said.

"I won't." he said.

"Ok, Well my dad abuses me. Everyday for the last two years I get hit for something. He blames me for my moms death. He drinks all the time and when he's drunk he hits me." I said as I looked down.

I heard him growl as I looked up at him and his body was shaking with anger. I felt the need to hug him so I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his body soften under my grasp. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head ontop of my head. We stood like that for a long time before he spoke. "Ally, you don't deserve this. I ought to kill him for laying a hand on you. You're to beautiful for this." I smiled as he said that. I often wish my dad was dead or at least gone and I was on my own. We walked back to the school talking about anything and everything. He actually isn't that bad once you break the awkward barrier. When we reached my car he gave me his number and told me to call him later. I got in my car and left. When I got home my dads truck was in the driveway. I walked inside as my dad was walking out. "Hey I have to leave for business. I'll be gone for at least 6 months. I left you money on the counter. Obey the rules. No parties. No boys. Love you." He said as he kissed the top of my head. I wanted to throw up.

"Ok love you." i replied as I shut the door. I began to dance around like a dumbass. FINALLY! My prayers are answered. 6 months of peace and quiet!

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