When your on your period

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Nate: he knows how much you hate being around people when it's that time of the month so he buys you a bunch of junk food and Advil for you're cramps, he puts everything in a box and leaves it on you're door step. You usually can't help yourself and a few minutes after you get the box to you're room and go through it you call Nate over so he can cuddle you.

Sammy: Sammy likes to be around you 24/7 just so he can take care of you and makes sure you have everything you need to be comfortable. Whenever you're laying down and start to have cramps he ask if it's ok for him to rub your stomach because he knows how hard it is to find a comfortable spot so he wants to be sure him laying next to you won't disturb how comfortable you are.

Jack J: you two are known as the sass couple and the sass doesn't go away just because it's that time of the month, jack tends to make period jokes the entire time and you two play fight a lot but when it comes to cramps the playful sass goes away and he holds you in his arms while helping you get through the cramps.

Jack G: when you tell him it's that time of the month he goes out of his way to make sure you are OK when he comes over he turns off his phone and yours so it's just you two and you can have his undivided attention.

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