What the fans think

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Nate: His fans love you they know how happy you make nate and they love how whenever fans find him you don't get mad and tell him to say no like his Ex did you actually take the pictures for them.

Sammy: Half of them love you and they like how your not afraid to put a fan on blast when they are being rude the other half hate you and think your just with sammy because he is internet famous and they think once you reach your goal you will leave him.

Jack J: the fans don't really care as long as you continue to make him happy they will ship it but the second you fuck up and break his heart they will hunt you down.

Jack G: the fans love you they all prefer you to his Ex they also love how you give out your number and talk to fans or when you setup random meet and greats in a park for free with the guys performing all anyone has to do to get in is answer questions only original fans would know.

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