What his family thinks of you

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Nate: They love you. At first they where nervous you only wanted Nate for his money and fame but once they got to know you everyone loved you and treated you like family to.

Sammy: his mom hates you, and that causes some problems with her and Sammy but she keeps quite whenever Sammy is around, you try and talk to her and be nice but she normally says something like "I can't wait until my son leaves you" or "your not enough for him" you never did anything and have no idea why she hates you the rest of his family loves you but his mom hates you for no reason she told Sammy once it was because she had a gut feeling but really she hates you for no reason.

Jack J: At first they didn't like you but once you proved that all you cared about was making jack happy they started to like you more and more until they finally accepted you and loved you like their own.

Jack G: Jack was scared his family wouldn't like you, your very out side the box weird but his family embraced you with open arms and loved you at first sight they also liked how down to earth you where.

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