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He does something you don't like and you do the exact same thing he did, knowing he wouldn't like it either. *non edited so there might be some mistakes*

Scott: "Scott I'm here!" You yelled while walking into scotts house. Scott had asked you to come over for some unknown reason and you being the nicest girlfriend ever, you just came without asking him why. You didn't hear his reply and you assumed he was in the bathroom or something. So you walked up into his room and sat on the bed. After 15 minutes you started to get slightly worried. "Scott?" You yelled and walked back downstairs into the kitchen. When you walked into the kitchen you saw scott lying there with a knife in his back. "SCOTT!" You screamed and ran to him. "Oh my god oh my god!" You said and started crying. You heard a noise from behind you and you turned around and saw the person who did this. He was wearing all black and he had a mask on. You screamed even louder. The man ran to you and you got up and threw a bowl at him, which missed. Then the man stopped and took his mask off. The man was Stiles. Then you heard laughing from Scott. You looked down at him and saw him laughing his ass off. You got really mad and stomped right out the door. "Babe wait it was a prank!" He said running after you and trying to hug you. You shoved him off of you. "Get away from me I don't want to talk to you." Scott laughed. "Come on babe it wasn't real!" You turned around and glared at him. "Scott I thought you were dead?! Do you know how that feels! I don't care if it was real or not! Don't talk to me!" You screamed at him and walked away. When you got to your house you immediately thought of a way to get him back. Then you thought back to the argument that you just had. 'Do you know how that feels?!' Then you got the idea to scare him back. By doing the same thing he did to you. You quickly went to the store and bought skin colored mold to match your skin tone, and fake blood. You came back and set up where the knife would be. Once you placed the mold and knife and blood where it needed to be, you texted scott.

To scott: hey babe I'm sorry I over reacted, come to my house we can eat and play video games or something.

You instantly got a reply.

From scott: I'm sorry I scared you that bad. And is it ok if stiles comes?

To scott: its fine I'm over it. And yeah its cool.

From scott: cool. Be there in 5

Once you set down your phone you unlocked the door and left it open a little bit. Then you went into place. 5 minutes later you heard scott and stiles pull up into the driveway. "Bro the doors open." You heard stiles say. "I'm sure its fine she always does this when I come over." Scott said. They both walked in. "Y/n babe I'm here!" Scott yelled. When you didn't reply he sniffed the air. "She's in here somewhere." Scott said and Stiles walked into the kitchen and saw you on the floor. "OH MY EFFING GOSH SCOTT GET IN HERE!" He yelled and covered his mouth in shock. Scott ran in and instantly saw you and started freaking out. After 2 minutes of him freaking out he ran to your body and pulled the knife out and started crying. "Oh my god." He mumbled and you even heard stiles sniffling. "BOO!" you screamed and jumped up and scott screamed and stiles fell down. "Y/n what the hell! You scared me I thought you were dead!!!" Scott yelled. "Doesn't feel to good does it buddy. " you said while patting his chest. He playfully growled at you and you kissed him. "That wasn't cool y/n. Really wasn't. " stiles mumbled while getting up.

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