Dating Isaac would include

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Dating Isaac would include:

•lots of hugs

• lots of kisses

• him loving your touch

• only you can touch him

• stealing his scarves

• "you're too tall!"

• him hating scary movies

• but you make him watch them anyways

• always being pushed off the bed

• him apologizing and cuddling you

• lots of cuddles!

• him being a lil puppy

• being best friends with Scott

• kicking Aiden's ass for him

• calming him down during the full moon

• being there when he has nightmares

• calming him down after his nightmares

• him being afraid he might hurt you

• him being afraid that he will turn out like his father

• "Isaac you will never turn out like that prick."

• him laughing at your puppy jokes

• lots of PDA

• Isaac surprisingly being dominant during sex

• him leaving tons of hickeys

• him being very protective of you

• you saying "I love you" a million times

• and him saying it back

• going on double dates with Scott and Allison

• making fun of Scott

•being besties with Allison and lydia

•being very close friends with Boyd

• you being very involved with the supernatural

• forehead kisses

• him picking you up a lot

• being a year younger than him

• derek being a brother figure towards you

• picking his clothes out

• using his shampoo

• him getting mad when you use his shampoo

• "Well i want my hair to be soft!"

• taking showers together

• him taking up all the hot water

• "Isaac no!"

• "y/n yes!"

• making him put your food down

• "but I'm hungry!"

• "get your own food!"

• surprise visits

• him being very flirty with you

• pet names

• calling you cupcake when he wants something

• helping him with science

• going to the pack meetings

• cute text messages

• long phone calls

• face timing a lot

• him not being jealous of anyone

• being sassy together

•defending his negative tude

• "Isaac be positive!"

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