Can You Handle The Heat?

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I swear this chapter isn't (completely) what you think. I'll save that stuff for later. <//w//< Okay jk there is actually nothing of the sort-ish.

Golden Night was now tugged into her room by Shadowmaru, and dropped on a cushiony slab that served as a bed. The dark purple mecha took a moment to look at her before sitting on the edge.

"I'll stay here until you fall asleep, how does that sound?" He cooed softly, smiling in a comforting way. She just stared at him, however, with clear wonder in her eyes. All that she could see was the brilliant green glow in the darkness, and she knew that all he could see were her two reflected red eyes.

Shadowmaru placed a hand on her arm, then brought it up to her head, feeling her soft, yellow hair. She seemed to lean into the touch, her actions slowing down as he connected a large cable to the back of her head when she turned. Golden Night practically fell asleep in his hand as the recharge sequence began, and he leaned down to gently stroke her face easier.

He still didn't quite fully understand why she felt so damn precious to him, like if she left his sight she would be stolen like a priceless artifact.

"Goodnight, Goldy. See you in the morning." Shadowmaru felt compelled to kiss her cheek, but thought against it, for he didn't want to be that soft.

Hesitating to find the balance in his feet, he slipped his hand away and stood. The mecha wanted to stay, he wanted to be the first face that she saw in the morning.

That couldn't be established, however. He had a reputation to keep, and a job to do. What was he thinking? Falling in love for a guy like him was wrong... was it? No, there was no harm done. He wanted her to be happy, for he felt that if she was depressed, he would slowly wilt away because of guilt.

Shadowmaru closed the door behind him, staring at the floor deep in thought as he walked back to the office. He didn't notice a set of feet walking towards him, and Suki accidentally bumped into his shoulder.

"Sorry 'Maru, didn't see you there, its really dark and you blend in all too well." She smiled apologetically, a sweat drop forming on her head.

"I take it as a compliment, no worries. Golden Night will be relieved that you're back in the morning." He had a welcoming glint in his eye that lingered until she continued on her way towards her room.

In the office, Gunmax kept his hand over his lower abdomen, it felt hot, and he was extremwly confused as to why. Perhaps he drank expired oil? No, that wasn't as bad as this. Glancing at Chiyoko, he caught th eglimpse of her arching back to stretch, showing off the smooth curves that they were equipped with. It was another sort of, set off for him as it grew hotter.

"Anyone else feeling it get hot in here?" The mad blush that stained his cheeks could have been sworn they were infectious to his health.

"No... are your coolant systems malfunctioning again, Gunmax?" McCrane said with little concern, for it happened quite a lot.

"Dude, your face is like a tomato." Drillboy said, earning a slap on the head from Power Joe.

"Maybe you should get Todou to check it?" Dumpson suggested, too showing little concern.

"Wait a bit, maybe the feeling will go away." Power Joe stated, "Its probably that new gas you've been taking, told you it wasn't a great idea."

He squirmed in his seat a bit, then finally slapped his hand on the table. Gunmax needed to discover what was wrong, and stood up, facing away from his team.

"Uh, I'm checking out for the night, night guys!" Then hurried down to his room through the corrodor behind the second door.

"Gunmax..?" Chi called out, but it was too late as he was already at the door to his room and inside. It shut behind him and locked, leaving Chiyoko slightly dumbfounded.

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