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OHHHH THE SADNESS, I CRI ERY TIM. Huehue, you know deaths can never be reversed. Right? RIIIIIGHT?

Deckerd had spent the rest of the day in his room after his repairs, mourning and sitting on his bed. He had never felt fear as extreme as that, he was even calm when he died. Even when Yuuta was in danger, he was always calm. But for Suki... he panicked. He feared wanting to tell her that he loved her, what if she said that she didn't love him back? Whenever he came close, his tank twisted inside his body and shut him right up.

That kind of love he had never felt, for everytime he felt it, it was a mix of emotions. Excitement, care, worry.... it was all there. He loved her. He loved her, wirh everything he had. Now she was gone, buried in his own guilt. Her smile, her laughter, her eyes and her precious A.I. were just... gone....

No, there is always a glimmer of hope. He had his memory resurrected, so hopefully they can recover her, even if she didn't have amnesia.

He'll go to the wreckage and dig her up. Yeah, thats what he'll do. But right now he just wanted to curl up.

How pathetic. Curled up on his bed, giving everyone the silent treatment. He was practically crying over a girl. A girl he loved too dearly to lose.... He was a cop for crying out loud! Serious face.... nevermind. He curled their, hugging his pillow and wishing, hoping that she'll be okay.

"Suki... I'm so sorry...." He mumbled, laying there like a helpless puppy.

In the ward, Aleida was shriveled up on the floor, moaning in pain uncontrollably. Her chest, her heart hurt like hell. She didn't know what was causing it, but she wanted it to stop.

"What's wrong with her?!" Drillboy exclaimed, nothing but pure worry in his voice.

Aleida's blades flared out to the sides, knocking over all kinds of stuff. "Make it stop!" She squirmed.

"Do something Todou-san!" Duke ordered, watching helplessly from his station.

"It's a reflex is all. Its going to hurt for a while." The man said calmly, knowing all to well that this would happen.

"What is reflexing?! And when will it stooooop?!" Aleida nearly screamed, rolling to her side.

"Your heart. Suki and you shared a special bond, making you two alike. You're copies of eachother." He explained, working on McCrane's joints.

"Aghhhh!" She groaned in agony now, as the paingot more intense as it throbbed faster and sharper. Aleida smashed her fist into the ground, cracking the cement underneath.

"So there's nohing we can do about it..." McCrane said softly, making Dumpson nod.

"Waiting it out is gonna be hard for her." The red mecha said.

"Duke, you're done. Take Aleida to her room to rest." Todou was focused on the mecha he was fixing, but always had an eye on the others.

Duke was released and immediatly rushed to Aleida, trying to help her up. "Come on, let's get you to your living space." He spoke between her groans. She didn't resist, but the pain would cause her to lose focus on what she was doing, like standing.

Stumbling into Duke's arms, he made sure to keep her upright. Though he was surprised that the pain didn't make her cry, for it seemed like she was dying on the inside. Which she possibly was.

"Aleida, get a hold of yourself!" Duke shook her as she collapsed in the hallway.

"It huuurts! Agh! So much!" Her voice hitched as she stumbled again and this time took Duke down with her.

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