Chapter 4 - I'll figure it out.

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It's 7:00 am and Mum still isn't up, when she is usually up at 6:50 am but she wasn't. "Maybe she's sleeping in" I say to myself.

After another 3 hours Mum still isn't up, so I go and check. But there is no movement in her body so I check if there's a heartbeat " NOO....NO...NOOOOO!" There is absolutely no heartbeat at all, this can not be happening, I'm 16 with a 8 month old baby sister Myre and NO father!

An Hour Later -

My twitter account - Hi Everyone I know, that no-one was expecting this and either was I, but my Mum just died with a very rare condition SADs (sudden ADULT death syndrome).

Later On -

It's been 5 hours and Myre is laying in bed, but I need to figure something out but there is no way that I'm going to been adopted, I can take care of Myself and Myre and I don't need anyone to help me.

"Waaaaa.......Waaaaa......" Myre had to start crying. I walk up the stairs into Myres Pink room, lean over her white cot and pick her up. I realise she has a full nappy and a wet jumpsuit, so I walk over to her wardrobe and pick out a pair of cute little patterned leggings and a cute little hoody. Then I went down stairs to feed Myre when there's a knock at the door. I pick up Myre from the floor and check who's at the door, it was Grandma Maggi, Mum's Mum. "Hi Indi and Myre, where's Mum?" I decided I should probably tell her, "Um.... Grandma, this morning Mum didn't wake up so I went and checked on her but there was no heart beat." That was way harder to tell Grandma, then I thought it would be.

Hi Guys sorry for only just introducing Myre but I thought it would make the story a little bit more interesting!

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