Chapter 1 - Dance.

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" Indigo Mitchell's, get that leg up higher!"

Hi my names Indigo Mitchell's. I'm 16 years old, I have a baby sister, Myre.


Indi hated people calling her by her real name Indigo, especially her dance teacher, Ms Watts. Indi didn't like her name Indigo because it sounds to.......... LADY LIKE.

Indi is a very advanced dancer, at Pointed Toes Dance Centre. Her teachers name is Ms Watts and WOW she is bossy!! Indi is practising for a very important show coming up, the Nutcracker. Indi is dancing as Clara which is the lead role. This meant extra hours in the studio and extra hard choreography. But the best part of being Clara meant she had very pretty costumes and props.

Mum P.O.V -

It's hard to imagine my 16 year old daughter will soon be dancing for the New York City Ballet. I mean she is only 16 and she's achieved so much. She could dance better then she could walk. I couldn't be prouder of my little baby girl!

I still remember when she first started dancing, 18 1/2 months old. Oh, her first pair of ballet shoes, they were so tiny. Good times, oh, WOW I miss out on those moments!!

Back in the Studio -

Right now we're having our technique class, for some reason Mrs Mallow, keeps telling me "Straighten that leg, point that toe, head up, straight back, bottom tucked in, OH MY GOODNESS what does Ms Watts teach you."

Staff Room -

" Annett Watts (Ms Watts), I was just in a class with Indigo Mitchell's and I've noticed she isn't concentrating on her technique. Maybe you could ask if anything is bother her?" You see Ms Watts didn't reply, as she felt guilt so she just nodded her head.

At Home -

" Indigo, get out of the shower, and come and set the table" screamed Mum. I knew Mum was mad because she called me Indigo, when usually she calls me Indi. I decide it's time I should get out the shower so I grab two towels, I wrap one around my head and the other around my body, then I head to my room, I pick out a tracksuit then go down stairs and set the table.

As I step into the kitchen, a bewitching smell hits my nose. " That must be dinner" I say to myself as I set the table. "Boom...boom....Boom" I hear someone come down the stairs, " It must be Mum" I whisper, " Hi Honey, how was dance?" Mum says questioning me " It was okay, I guess " I say to Mum as she walks away to grab dinner. It must be hard, a working single mother.

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