Chapter 001

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Skylar buried herself deeper into her coat, hitching her bag further up on her shoulder as she exited to the library into the cold London night. With her favorite copy of Pride and Prejudice nestled in the crook of her arm a top her Animal Anatomy book and its accompanying workbook, she began the two block's walk to her car. It was late and the cool air nipped at her skin, waking her from her studying daze. She set off at a brisk pace, her keys jingling in her hands as she strode down the all but empty streets.

She was almost to her car when she approached the rowdy pub on the opposite side of the road, unable to stop herself from crinkling her nose in distaste. She had nothing against pubs or the people that drank in them. She did, however, have a very latent distaste for the drunk men that often stood out front and leered at her on her way to her car. She glanced over, noticing that tonight they were particularly rowdy. She paused and gave her car a glance as she drew her books into her chest, tugging her full lower lip between her teeth.

She watched on as three large figures hovered over another, their feet and fists flying as they made contact with the one on the ground. She inhaled a deep breath a straightened her shoulders, continuing to her car.

The guy on the ground groaned, curling further into himself as she reached her car. She cringed, opening the door and setting everything in a neat pile on her backseat thinking that maybe if she lingered long enough, they'd be done and she could help.

Skylar fiddled mindlessly with her keys, patiently waiting for the terrible trio to be done. When she heard the man let out an "oomph!", the sound of a boot colliding with some part of his body, she flinched. The men snickered before finally dispelling. She slipped back out of her car, pepper spray grasped firmly in her hand in case they decided they weren't done yet and made her way back to the man curled on the ground.

She bent down slowly, placing a hand on the man's shoulder and give it a soft nudge. She gave a soft tug in an attempt to get him onto his back so she could see him because the only thing she could make out at that moment were the ratty state of his clothes. His black jeans were covered in dirt with gaping holes in the knees and the boots that adorned his feet seemed to have reached their end. She wasn't even entirely sure how they hadn't fallen apart on him yet. His jacket was thick and looked tan under the layer of grime coating it and his dark hair was pushed back haphazardly from his hidden face, secured with a ratty headscarf.

"Let's get you up, dear." She cooed, wrapping one hand under beneath his arm as she tried to help him up.

He staggered upright after fumbling for a minute, reminding Skylar of a newborn baby deer as she watched his long limbs unfold to right himself unsteadily. It was then that she noticed his much taller, broader frame. He was a full head taller than her and his shoulders and chest were broad, tapering down into narrow hips and thin legs. He stumbled over to the wall, catching himself on the brick building just before he face planted back into the cement beneath their feet.

The light from the lamp at the edge of the street casted across his face, exposing his grimy features. He had green eyes, though despite being bleary and blood shot and rimmed with redness from the alcohol he'd previously consumed, were still the brightest shade of green she'd ever seen. His face was scruffy, covered in a five o'clock shadow of coarse, curly brown hairs. His skin was smudged with dirt and blood, both dried and fresh, and she couldn't help but wonder exactly how long he'd been sitting in that pub or how many other brawls he'd been in so far that night.

"Come on now, darling. I'll take you home." She said softly, reaching forward to brush her hand soothingly across his upper arm.

He jerked back from her as he eyed her carefully. Skylar offered him a small smile as she reached towards him again, nearly sagging in relief as he allowed her to slip beneath one shoulder to help him to her car. He looked thin, but she knew he wasn't as she struggled to support the majority of his weight for the few yards to her car.

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