Chapter 006

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Skylar's keys jingled as she carefully slid her flat key into the hole, turning it with a definite click. She sighed in relief, clutching the bags of Chinese takeaway closer to her as she turned the knob and nudged the door open. It had been a long day at the clinic. One of her longest since she started there the previous year.

Her wrist hurt from the Great Dane that was brought into the clinic in a panic and she was covered in claw marks from a stray cat a good Samaritan brought in after watching it get clipped a few blocks west, a clinic regular bit her, and her feet and ankles were sore from all the running she did.

She was utterly exhausted and covered in various bodily fluids from different species. With another heavy sigh, she toed off her shoes and quickly made her way to the counter and deposited the bags as her gaze tore across the house in search of her lanky companion. It didn't surprise her in the least when she didn't find him in any of the common areas. He was withdrawn and broody and Skylar had come home more than once in the past two weeks to find him passed out (or nearly so) in his bedroom.

It broke her heart to see him suffering, but she always danced around what was wrong because when she asked, his usual response was a grunt or a gruff "I'm fine". She wandered further into her home, pausing as she reached her door before spinning on her heel and stepping across the hall. She sucked in a deep breath, knuckles hesitating before she finally rapped them against the solid wooden door.

She awaited his usual grunt in response, but heard nothing as she cautiously cracked the door open. He wasn't in his room. Other than a few articles of clothing and the rumpled sheets, it was almost like he hadn't been in his room at all. Her eyebrows tugged low over her forehead as she scanned the room once more.

It wasn't until she paused, taking a moment to listen carefully. Then she heard it, the distinct sound of someone sniffling. Her heart dropped as she promptly spun on her heel and exited the room, striding carefully and purposefully to the bathroom down the hall. Her knuckles rapped the solid door three times and she placed the left side of her face to it.

"Harry? Are you okay?" She called, voice soft and laced with concern for the man on the other side of the door.

"'M fine, just go away!" His muffled voice called from the other side.

A frown settled on her features, brows tugging low at his hoarse voice as a shaky sigh came from him. With a deep sigh of her own, she stepped back and eyed the door critically before pressing herself back against it and taking the knob in her small hand.

"Are you decent?" She called as she began to slowly twist the knob, a muffled yes coming from Harry before she pulled it open.

Her eyes widened in shock at the scene that lay before her. Harry sat in a crumpled mess in the middle of the bathroom, the glass from what was once the mirror hanging over the sink now shattered around him. He looked up at her, eyes swollen and rimmed red from crying with a blotchy face. Her heart constricted painfully in her chest as she stepped forward, carefully dodging the shards of glass to get to him.

She bent down in front of him, eyes skimming his features to assess any damage. Small droplets of blood were scattered over his gaunt face and she was unable to tell if it was in relation to any cuts of from another injury elsewhere. He had his right arm curled up and protectively cradled to his chest with his left one when she noticed the thick trail of blood leading down from it onto his white t shirt.

She frowned deeply, tsking as she turned toward the cabinet to retrieve the first aid kit from beneath the sink, eyes skimming the glass between Harry and the cabinet taking note of the splatter of crimson liquid on the floor and shards of glass. Harry sniffled behind her again, bringing her back to her task as she quickly grabbed it and turned her attention back to Harry.

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