Chapter 3: Terra Haven

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Sir Crookshend stood in Prime King Alexander's office as he waited for the old man to speak. As the time passed frustration and anger continued to build within the short man that stood before the Prime King's desk the old kind decided to speak.

"So you had an issue with my decision, Marvin?" The Prime King said in his hoarse voice

"Yes, my king, the boy is a stranger and you just let him into our city without a proper reason; that didn't seem like a good or sensible decision," said Marvin Crookshend as a day of frustration and anger spilled from him. This really wasn't a proper way to talk to the leader of 5 empires but Alexander understood that his actions were a bit abnormal and felt that he should at least explain some of it.

"I understand why you may be upset but believe me, I did what I believed to be right and I am usually not wrong about such things"

"But he's a human. Humans are almost never trustworthy, that boy could have been a thief, a liar, a murderer or all three!"

"But he wasn't. Do you remember his name, Marvin?" the king said as he gazed at Sir Crookshend steadily.

"Something like Blake or Blain. Why?"

"His name was Nathanael Blaze."

"Blaze... you don't mean...?" Sir Crookshend said while his eyes opened wide in realization.

"Yes I do and as you know, a member of the Blaze family can speak no lie before me,"

"But how can he actually be a Blaze?? All members of the blaze family have been accounted for except for...."

"So you understand now. I also hope that you understand that this situation must be treated with the utmost of care and that it goes without saying that everything that has been said is to be kept in absolute confidence," Said the Prime King as he fixed Sir Crookshend with a hard stare.

"I understand, Your Majesty," Marvin Crookshend said as he turned to leave.

"And one more thing, Marvin," The Prime King said as the man almost reached the door "Please try not to skewer our guests during their stay."


"Terra Haven is a sanctuary and symbol of the bonds between Terrans and nature." Selena said as she guided the Blaze brothers through the new environment they had been introduced to. Apparently Terrans were a species of evolved humans who treated nature with such care that they could have harmony with nature while still making technological advancements.

They passed one of the metal domes that Nathan had seen when he entered and he looked at his reflection in it. A tall, slightly pudgy teen with gray hair stared back at him. He had always had gray hair and always suffered the weird looks and comments that came with it. The hair especially stood out because of his brown skin. He looked into his own green eyes and asked himself what he was doing in this strange place. He started a bit when a little white boy suddenly appeared through side of the dome as if it was glass. The boy had white hair and blue eyes which stared at Nathan with some amount of weird anticipation for a few seconds before he was pulled away from the edge of the dome by a dark hand. The dome returned to its opaque shiny state.

"What was that?" Nathan asked Selena who was walking ahead of the boys

"What?" Selena asked Nathan. She sounded a little annoyed.

"The metal dome just disappeared then came back!"

"Oh" she said as if Nathan had told her that he heard it was going to rain later "The dome is made of Casnadium, a metallic material that turns transparent when touched by an organic substance or organism."

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