Chapter 4: Burning Battlefield

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The battlefield was burning. The battlefield that used to be a town was in flames. The unsightly crimson invaders had brought flamethrowers along with their usual assortment of wickedly sharp blades. Selena could do nothing about the flames as she fended off Rexiclon after Rexiclon. Her blade tore through slimy bodies but they kept coming back. She wasn't just taunting Nathan when she told him that he couldn't handle red Rexiclons. They really were dangerous. The ability to regenerate if not completely destroyed, combined with the frightening speed they possessed, made them deadly to fight even for the most skilled fighters. Selena knew that she couldn't hold them for long with just a sword especially when there were 15 of them.She feinted, dodged, blocked, jabbed and slashed as she awaited the much needed backup she had requested. The council men were on the other side of Terra Haven and wouldn't reach in time so her only hope was William who was closer.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a humanoid figure approaching and sighed with relief. It took her half a minute of waiting for support fire to realize that the person was in fact, not William. She spared a glance in the figure's direction and gasped. There standing unarmed and looking very stupid, was Jacob Blaze. Selena's glance had cost her and one of the creatures managed to graze her leg with its blade. As pain erupted in her leg, Selena was forced to ignore the human who had put himself in danger and continue to fend off her attackers. She noticed that one of the Rexiclons had moved away from the group that was attacking her and was heading over to Jacob. Selena jumped away from her the group of Rexiclons surrounding her but the stray Rexiclon was too fast and before she could react its blade had pierced the shocked young man. At that moment a scream so horrible that it made the Rexiclons falter, blew away all the sounds of the battle.


As he witnessed his brother being skewered Nathan heard the scream that had unnerved everything on the battlefield. He realized that the scream was coming from him. This sound of agony and anger was ripping out of him. Nathan forgot where he was and who he was. His brother was hurt, nothing else was important. Somewhere deep inside him a door opened.


Selena saw the source of the scream and then before she could realize, the younger Blaze brother had disappeared. No, he hadn't disappeared, Selena just didn't expect that any human could possibly move that fast. Nathanael Blaze now stood in front of the Rexiclon that had stabbed his brother. But was that really Nathanael Blaze who stood there? Those eyes... eyes filled with energy. Nathan's eyes were an emerald blaze.

Jacob slid off the monster's blade as it turned to face its new challenger. At this point everything on the battlefield was watching the boy with the frightening eyes and the Rexiclon he now faced. It was so silent that the crackle of the dying fires was the only thing that could be heard. The monster looked at Nathan through its many eyes, then swung.

It happened so fast Selena had trouble keeping up. The monster had swung its blade and Nathan was definitely in its reach. However, he made no move to dodge. Instead, as the blade came down, Nathan's hand flew up and... he caught it. Selena knew it was impossible but there he was holding the incredibly sharp blade as if it was nothing.

Then he spoke but it was different, it wasn't the smooth arrangement of syllables that most humans spoke. No it was a choppy and distorted mixture of strange cries, the same language that the Rexiclons spoke. "This is justice, this is your end."

Then, while still gripping the blade, Nathan moved his hand. The handle of the blade ripped through the Rexiclon as Selena watched in shock. The Rexiclon screeched in response to the surprising attack. A few of the other Rexiclons reacted to the scream by rushing over to the incredible scene. Nathan just stood there as they formed a semi-circle around him. They raised their flame throwers and fired. Nathan was engulfed in flames immediately. There was no way for him to escape but for some reason he was still standing. As Selena looked closer she noticed that he wasn't burning at all.

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