No Cullen Family...

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And when Carlisle died, the following events didn't happen...

Because Carlisle died, he never saved Edward Masen from certain death in 1918. Instead, the servants who worked for the Masen family all wept for the brave young man who dreamed of becoming a concert pianist, but would never have a chance to make his dreams come true.

Because Carlisle died, he never met Esme Platt Evensen, nor did he save her after she jumped off a cliff and died in 1921. Instead, Esme was brutally murdered by her husband, Charles, in 1920. Charles was arrested for his wife's murder and executed in 1922.

Because Carlisle died, he never rescued Rosalie Hale when she was raped and murdered in 1933. Everyone in Rochester, New York was horrified when they discovered that the beautiful bride-to-be was dead. But an African-American named Benjamin Jones had witnessed Royce King II and his friends raping Rosalie and informed the police, which led to the men being arrested and sent to Sing Sing Prison for the rest of their lives.

Because Carlisle died, he never saved Emmett McCarty when he was attacked by a bear in 1933. In fact, Emmett's oldest brother had banished him from the family home in anger, and the younger McCarty boy went for a walk in the woods. A young woman saw the attack and killed the bear. But Emmett would never walk in the woods again, for he was dead.

Because Carlisle died, he never met Alice Brandon and Jasper Whitlock when they showed up at the Cullen house in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the 1940s. In 1918, Mary Alice Brandon was not committed to a mental hospital in her hometown of Biloxi, Mississippi. In fact, she was killed when her family hired an exorcist to get rid of her "visions". As for Jasper, however, he had ran away from Maria's army during the mid-1860s and never looked back. His part in this story will be revealed later.

Because Carlisle died, he never got to meet Bella Swan when she moved to Forks, Washington. Bella never got to meet Edward Cullen because he never existed. She ended up marrying Mike Newton after graduating from high school.

Because Carlisle died, he never got to meet Jacquelyn Claire Ulrich, nor did he get to meet her mother, Irene. Both mother and daughter had moved to Italy when Jacquelyn was two years old following a threat from Irene's former fiancé, Warren Limpett. Irene soon fell into the wrong crowd and ended up dying in the lobby of a ritzy hotel when she was 27 years old. Her 7-year-old daughter, Jacquelyn, was made a ward of a rich family, a family she ran away from when she was 15 years old.

Jasper Whitlock and Jacquelyn Claire Ulrich were two people living in a messed-up world. But when they met one fun night, things were going to change forever...

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