Heal the Pain

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Jasper took Jacquelyn to Marcus's office. The older vampire frowned as he listened to Jacquelyn's sad story about her life. But when he saw the child's scars, anger filled him.

"Who has done this to her?" he snarled. "Name the monster who harmed her and I'll personally tear him apart."

"No one hurt her," said Jasper. "She did that to herself."

"Now why would she do anything like that?" Marcus said.

"Because it was my fault that my mother had died," said Jacquelyn. "And I just couldn't bear to see another child and their mother when my mother is no longer here. I carved her name on my arms so I would never forget what I had lost and to keep from loving someone else who could have adopted me."

"I see," said Marcus. "And it is no less of a tragedy that you are unhappy. But we will have to heal you. You know nothing but pain, not even love."

Jasper said, "Now how will I go about healing her? She's too fragile for...other things."

"She's your pet," said Marcus. "So you can do with her what you wish. Now leave me to my grief."

Jasper stormed away in anger; he should have known that Marcus would use any opportunity to turn the person's grief against him. Jacquelyn did not say anything until they reached Jasper's room.

There, Jasper said to her, "Marcus is a very depressed and violable man. I advise you to steer clear of him if at all possible." He looked at her scars again and said, "You have not forgiven yourself for your mother's death. No child ever deserves to suffer like this."

Jacquelyn found herself crying; she had not cried in years. Not since her mother's funeral. But now, the tears fell from her face and onto her arms, essentially washing away the scars that remained.

Jasper did not notice her crying until he saw her collapse onto the floor and crying profusely. He thought to himself maybe she just needed a good cry. Crying comforts the heart and brings peace to the soul. Women were more prone to crying, he had discovered, and crying was not a sign of weakness, but of strength.

Jasper sat beside Jacquelyn and said nothing as she cried. But for her, her life would never be good. Not if she were to return to the human world. At length, he said, "You feeling all right, little lass?" She shook her head. Jasper then said, "Don't pay no mind to what Marcus says. He may be part of the Volturi, but he shuts himself away from everyone. He even uses his grief as a cloak. But don't let what he says bother you." Jacquelyn nodded, but still refused to speak. Jasper picked up the girl and set her on the bed, wiping away her tears and noting the disappearance of the scars that had been on her arms and hands. "Your mother will never truly leave you," he said as he sat beside the still unhappy girl. Jacquelyn nodded and turned away from him. Jasper sighed, knowing that there was still so much healing for them to go.


Leah was certainly surprised when she saw Jacob, Sam, and several others gathering at Sue's house.

Of course her cruelty would reach the ears of the Elders, but Jacob was still unimpressed. He knew he had to put an end to Leah's cruelty.

"Why are you here?" Leah snapped. "It was already bad enough that you told me that Sam was cheating on me with Emily, but this takes the cake!"

"You destroyed Bella's marriage," Jacob said in turn. "You betrayed me! You had no right!"

"Like you're any better!" Leah snapped in turn. "Bella's husband was out of town, and you decided to make a move on her. What were you thinking?"

Sam cut in, saying, "Leah Clearwater, your cruelty has grown over the years, and for some reason, I can't look at you anymore." Paul and Jared stared at her. "We have decided to banish you from La Push."

Sue gasped in horror. "You would banish Leah from La Push? Without consulting the elders? Without consulting me?! I'm her mother!"

"But she forgets her place," said Sam. "For years, I had to put up with her cruelty, but no more. Even her children want her to go away. I don't think there's any hope for her at this point in time."

"She must leave or we will execute her," said Jacob. "And she cannot return at all, not unless she wishes to be killed upon her returning."

Leah couldn't believe her ears; the entire tribe wanted her gone! How could this be? Especially since she was wronged in the first place.

Sam said to her, "You have five seconds to leave or you will die." Leah gasped in horror, but remained rooted to her spot.

Jacob said, "I hope you don't have a death wish, because I'll make it come true."

Leah gasped in horror as she fled from the reservation. She knew that upon her exile, she would be declared dead to the tribe. But little did she know that she would be trapped in another world, one that would be her worst nightmare...

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