In Time...

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Aro frowned as he saw a huge group of men walking into the throne room.

They were all shocked and some were angry after Alec, Renata, Felix, and Demetri had wrestled them to the ground and captured them. The fact that they had attacked Caroline Darkmoon angered him and he vowed to see that those men were punished for their crime.

Within a few moments, where the questioning from Caius proved their guilt, the men were dragged to the back room and torn to pieces by several hungry vampires. Marcus stared at Aro, who said, "We had to do it. There's nothing for it. Those men knew that they were wrong to hurt that woman, so they're getting what they deserved."

He wasn't wrong there; the Volturi had spent many years weaving in and out of the lives of various humans, sometimes doling out punishments to those who had wronged a human who patronized the Volturi. Vladimir and Stephan were the true rulers, but their...methods were quite unorthodox, so to speak.

Aro stood up and said, "I'm going to check on our guest and inform her that her attackers are dead."

"What of the little one?" said Caius.

"Who?" Marcus snapped his head towards Caius.

"The other little girl who is here," said Caius. "She said that she was seeking us."

"More like seeking death," said Marcus. The other two vampires stared at him. "She came to me asking for me to end her life. But I refused. That was why she set herself on fire."

"Indeed," said Aro. "I do need to pay a visit to Miss Jacquelyn and see how she is doing. She could be still...alive for all we know."

He left the room as Caius turned to Marcus and said, "She sought her own death? You are telling a joke."

"I do not tell jokes, Caius," said Marcus.

"Then why did you claim that she wanted death?" said Caius. "You knew that Aro saw something in her, something that he needed. The girl is very knowledgeable about vampires."

"Indeed," said Marcus. "What is this knowledge that you speak of?"

"If she died, then we would never know the answer, or would we?" said Caius. "I suggest that we find out what knowledge that she posses and then..."

Jasper cleared his throat as he walked into the room. Caius and Marcus stared at him. "You are here for your duties," said Marcus. Jasper nodded. "Very well. Now go do your duty."

Jasper went to his post as Marcus said, "If you ask me, which I know you never will, I say that Aro is going to take Jasper's little pet."

"Indeed," said Caius. But he knew that something was going to happen to Jacquelyn. He didn't know what, but whether or not Jacquelyn would be willing to save vampirekind was a different equation altogether.

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