chapter 4: The struggle without him

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****** this chapter is taking place 2 years later *****

It's been two years without Hunter, I'm 17 now. Our daughter, Grace, is 2. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, brown curly hair, with blue eyes. She has his personality, and my looks. She's growing up without a dad. I've thought about calling him, but I don't want anything to fucking do with him if he's willing to have sex with any girl willing to leave a hickey on his neck. I hate him. And I sure as hell don't want my daughter around him.
The doorbell rang, and guess who it was? None other than hunter. He didn't even say hi to me, he just kissed me. I had just put Grace down for her nap, and it's a good thing I did because Hunter & I did a little more than kiss, we had sex. We fucked. hard. again. like, I was screaming. Surprisingly, Grace didn't wake up.
But anyway, the point is, he's here. He's fucking here..!!! I mean, I'm happy to see him considering I've only thought about him for 2 years. But I'm mad that he thinks he can just walk into our life without a problem.
He came and visited with Grace for an hour, and then he left. I wasn't totally sure how to feel about this, so I called Emma, my best friend.
"it was weird, I haven't seen him for 2 years & he just walked right in." I explained.
"c'mon Kaylin, we both know you love him. Call him & make him come back."

Maybe she was right, but I really don't wanna call him. I mean, I missed him so fucking much, I don't just want to lose him again. But at the same time, he fucked up big time by fucking my sister. So it's kinda unforgivable. But I need him in my life :(((((
So I called him. He sounded so happy to talk to me. We decided to go out on a date and maybe try engagement again later. He agreed to the engagement thing because I'm his "true love", what does that even mean?? I don't believe in it so I wouldn't know. I mean yes, i love him with everything I have. He's the one person (besides Grace, that beautiful, bouncing little girl of mine) that can make me smile on my worst day. I actually cannot wait until I marry him, because I want to call him mine. And plus I don't want him to cheat on me again, I hate even the thought of that. it makes things hard. Goddamn Hunter, why do you make shit so hard?? Makes me upset.


My phone rings & I'm expecting it to be Hunter, but no it's not. It's my sister, Becca.
"Kaylin????? it's becca. we need to talk. asap. please."
"why ? Is everything alright?"
"No." she said as she started crying "I am far from alright. My life is going awful and I need someone to vent to."
"becca? are you drunk?" I had to ask because she calls drunk on several occasions.
"no!! Chris left me & Brayden. He just packed his shit and left. My whole heart is gone and I don't know what to do." she started crying again.
"calm down becca, I'm on my way to your house. You and Brayden (my adorable nephew) can stay with me & Grace. and maybe Hunter"
"HUNTER????? are you with him again?"
"yes. shut up. I'll explain later." I said angrily.

After 20 minutes, she arrived and we talked for 2 hours about our sad love lives, which sounds like something we do. We've done this since I was 14. But it's still nice.

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