Chapter 3: our shattered love story

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So my sister found out that I had lost my virginity... and she told my parents. Needless to say, I'm not allowed to see him or talk to him. I'm so devastated, I can't even think straight. She swore to me that she wouldn't tell anyone and she told my dad. Of all people, SHE TOLD MY FUCKING DAD?! I'm so tired of her shit. She also told my dad that I'm bisexual, which was very unnecessary. So he told my mom all of this, and she's pissed beyond belief. Now I know I can't even trust my own sister.... Thanks a lot, Becca. Now all my parents do is ask questions.

"how? when? why? why did you do this?" my parents constantly ask, as if he raped me or something. Well I guess it could be considered that because he was 17 and I was only 14. But I honestly don't care because I enjoyed it and it was consensual. But I answered them anyway.
"I don't think you wanna know HOW it happened, it happened about a month ago because I was bored with life and I just wanted a bit of excitement..... He was willing to give it me. Relax mom & dad it's not like I'm pregnant." well I spoke too soon there because I went to the doctor this morning.
Apparently I'm 10 weeks pregnant, and the baby is Hunters. All because we had sex ONE TIME without protection (be careful kids). I haven't told anyone yet, but then again, I did JUST find out. I have to tell hunter, though, because he is the baby's dad. So, I picked up the phone and dialed his number.
"hello?" I heard a deep voice say
"hi, Hunter? it's me." I replied
"oh hey, Kaylin. What's up?" he casually asked.
"ummm hunter we need to talk... it's about us." I explained. He agreed, so we are meeting up at 6 o'clock in a nice restaurant, so I have to look fancy.
I got there first, and he came in about 15 minutes late, like always.
"what did you wanna talk about?" he asked, "wait never mind, I wanna ask you something first."
"what do you wanna ask?" I asked worriedly.
He got down on 1 knee and pulled out a ring and said "Kaylin Marie White, you make me so happy, and you always make me laugh, and you're basically the best thing that ever happened to me, and I love you with everything I have in me. Will you marry me?"
"HELL YES." I screamed as I started crying and the whole restaurant stared at me. But I didn't care, even though I'm only 15 and I just agreed to marry a guy who's 18, and I have my whole life ahead of me. Not to mention, I never did get to tell him that I'm pregnant and that we're going to be teenage parents. I'm not sure how the wedding is going to happen because I know he wants a long engagement, but I want to get married before I gain this baby weight. I don't wanna gain 20 pounds and squeeze myself into a wedding dress (I'm not that secure). Our situation is basically screwed and I really don't know how this whole thing is gonna go. But hey, ya know what they say? When life throws you curves, you learn to swerve. I guess this is my first curve & little by little, I'll learn to swerve.
So anyway, I have to tell Hunter about the baby. but how? I decided to call him, and get right to the point.
ring ring ring the phone says as I hold it to my ear.
"hello?" hunters hot voice says.
"hunter? I'm pregnant." I said anxiously.
"wait who's this?" he asked.
"um kaylin? your fiancé." I said, wondering why he'd have to ask who I was.
"ooooh hey Kaylin! I thought you were someone else. But you're pregnant?! aren't you kinda young for that?"
"well shouldn't you be asking yourself that, considering you're the dad?"
"shit." he said.
"whats that supposed to mean?" I asked
"well ya see, you're not the only one I've had sex with." he said, as if it wasn't a problem.
"What? why." I casually asked because I don't want to show my hurt. I am hurt though, because I really do love him. "why are we getting married if you're having sex with a bunch of tramps?" I asked
"well because I love you. even if I'm still fucking other girls." he said.
"goodbye hunter." I told him, because I can't have my child thinking it's alright to sleep with other people when you're with someone else.

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