Chapter 26. Part one

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The next day, Armin was still missing. Krista wanted to tell Levi, so they can find him but Eren and Mikasa managed to convinced her that they should look one more time before reporting this to Levi. However unlike yesterday Krista went out with them. They searched the woods once again, this time staying together. "Hey guys," Eren called them over.
"What?" Mikasa asked.
"There's some kind of blood trail here. Looks about two to three days old. I can't tell whether it's human blood or animal blood."
"What if it's Armin's?" Krista gasped.
"Don't jump to conclusions it'll only make you paranoid." Mikasa calmed her down. "There's lots of blood in this forest, a few hunters live here. But maybe we should still follow it just to be safe." The blood trail leads them an old tree.
"Great, what now?" Eren sighs. Mikasa examines the tree.
"What are you doing?" Krista questions.
"Looking for a secret entrance or a trap door." She answer while knocking on the tree.
"What makes you think this tree has any of those two?"
"Think about it. The trail stops here, but there's no blood puddle, meaning that the body of whatever the blood came from wasn't here for long." Mikasa explains as she clears a stack of dead leaves from the ground. She pulls on a thin line on the ground causing a trap door below the tree to open.
"Whoa." Krista looked at the dark interior of the trap door.
"It's dark. We won't be able to navigate our way in there, and is it really worth it? We might get lost."
"If there's a chance Armin is in there it's definitely worth it."
"And if we stay close to the wall we'll be fine." Mikasa said, jumping inside, Krisra follows and so does Eren but not before sighing.

"So were do we go?" Eren's voice echoed inside the tunnel.
"Just follow the blood trail." Mikasa said.
"How are we suppose to follow something we can't see?"
"Just follow me. My eyes adjusted to the dark, I can see it but just barely."
"You're really good at this, Mikasa. How exactly are you so good at this?" Krista asks.
"Shh. Do you hear that?"
Mikasa abruptly stopped.
"Hate to break it to you, but not everyone has superhuman senses." Eren rolled his eyes.
"Says the guy who can turn into a titan."
"Both of you be quiet." Mikasa said. They listen more closely and hear a faint cry. It's coming from the right. Follow me." As they near to sound, they see a flicker of a light behind some kind of wooden door.
"It won't open." Eren says as he struggles with the knob. Mikasa walks closed to the door, lifts her leg, and kicks it. It flies open, a shocked Eren looking at it. He quickly collects himself. "I sometimes forget how strong you are." They slowly all fell silent to the horror infront of them. The room was small with a simple wooden desk to the side, another door next to it, and a few tools hung on the wall, the most prominent was a blooded saw. But that wasn't what got their attention. It was blood dripping down from the desk, where an amputated blooded arm sat. "Oh my god." Eren gasped. Krista and Mikasa stayed silent. "What happened here?"
"Looks like someone got tortured." Mikasa said stoically.
"Let's get out of here." Krista insisted walking to the other door to the left, Mikasa and Eren followed. Unlike the other door this one was unlocked, it led an oh so familiar room.
"Can't be." Eren shook his head.
"What?" Mikasa looked at him.
"This is David's house." Krista reluctantly said.
"Does that mean..." Mikasa trailed off.
"Help..." They all looked to cause of the sound, walking slowly to the cupboard. After exchanging a few looks they opened it...
"Oh please no...." Krista backed away, falling down. Eren and Mikasa stood silent, shocked from the sight infront of them...

I know, I know. I suck, the chapter was meant to be longer but I wanted the element of suspense. Sorry for the long wait. Vote and comment about who you think is in the cupboard, or just comment about how much you hate either one works really.

AOT Eren & Mikasa. I've lost you forever. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now