Chapter Two

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Johnny slipped in and out of a coma like state. Chelsea try everything she could to keep him awake and stable but it wasn't easy on the back of the engine. The horn blared, alerting cars ahead that an engine was behind them. Cars cleared off the highway and let the engine pass. Chelsea pushed Johnny's sweaty bangs out of his face and smiled down at him. Marco drove the squad into Rampart and the hospital was warned to get a stretcher ready at the ambulance entrance.
"LA this is Engine 51, we are approaching Rampart Emergency. Tell them to get a stretcher at the ambulance entrance. ETA is about 5 minutes." Captain Stanley relayed into the HT.
"10-4 Engine 51." The dispatcher answered back.
"I hope he's not gonna die Roy." Chelsea looked up at Roy with worry.
"I know. He's lost a lot of blood. Cap can we hurry please!!" Roy yelled to Cap.
"Step on it Stoker!" Cap said to Stoker and he went faster.
"Engine 51 this is Squad 51, Cap we have a problem." Marcos voice was heard on the HT by all the firemen.
"What is it Squad 51?" Cap asks back.
"I think the engine on the Squad just blew." Marco said and we all looked back to see the Squad smoking and soon yellow flames licked out of the hood. Marco rushed out of the Squad and called for an engine company. Marco soon got smaller and then a huge boom was heard. The firemen looked back to see the Squad fully engulfed in flames. Marco was on the ground about 20 feet from the Squad.
"Well it looks like you don't have a Squad anymore." Cap says to Chelsea and Roy.
"LA this is Engine 51, Squad 51 will be out of commission for a while."
"Engine 51, why will Squad 51 be out?" LA asks.
"The engine blew and it caught on fire. Just a few minutes ago it exploded."
"10-4 51, we will try to get the Squad replaced."
"10-4. Engine 51 is arriving at Rampart General." Cap put the HT down and got out to help Stoker back the engine up. Chelsea and Roy got Johnny lowered onto the stretcher and followed then to a treatment room.
"What happened?" Dixie asked.
"Johnny got mad because Mike and Chelsea are 'dating' and threw a dish down. He picked up a sliver and cut himself right in front of us." Roy said.
"I came into the day room because Johnny called my name and that's when I saw him bleeding. I put a tourniquet on it as soon as I could." Chelsea almost started crying.
"Shh it's okay." Dixie led Chelsea out of the room and into the break room.
"Chelsea what happened wasn't your fault. Johnny loves you and if that doesn't prove it I don't know what will." Dixie filled two cups with coffee and handed one to the tear streaked young paramedic in front of her. Dixie adored Chelsea and helped her through everything. The first time they met was when Chelsea and Roy started working Rescue at station 32. Chelsea struck Dixie as a hard worker and Roy described her to be. She was talkative in a good way and Roy enjoyed listening to her voice. When Dixie heard that Chelsea was looking for her big brother that she hadn't seen since sophomore year of high school, she did whatever she could to help the young paramedic. She graduated at the top her class like Roy did but she wasn't the type to boast about that. Roy and Chelsea dated for sometime before he met JonAnne, and once he met JoAnne he fell in love with her. Dixie housed Chelsea for a while too and loved every moment of it. She wished she had a little sister because they would both stay up talking about what happened at work, knowing that they had to get up for work in the morning. Chelsea and Roy transferred to Station 52 and worked there for a while. Chelsea couldn't stand the Stations Captain so they transferred to Station 106. They didn't stay there long before transferring again to B-Shift at Station 10. By this time, both Roy and Chelsea were in the process of training for the paramedics program. Chelsea and Roy got transferred once again to Station 8 and stayed there until the new station was build. After Station 51 was built, the two of them transferred to that Rescue Squad and by that time, they had a trainee under their wing. John Gage was introduced to the paramedic program and went through with the training. The two took Gage into their station and started working together. Dixie had a heart for the three paramedics, especially Johnny and Chelsea. They both get into the heat of things and always get hurt in some way. She knew that if Johnny died, the station would have a hard time coping. Dixie knew that firemen deaths were always hard on everyone in the station, whether they knew each other or not. They would have to bring out their funeral attire and go to a very sad program to honor the fallen firemen. Dixie didn't want to see Chelsea in that place, she loved her too much as a sister so she would do everything she could to keep him alive. Dr. Brackett didn't admit it but he loved the young paramedic too, she was like the girl that you could fall in love with easily but you could never get her out of your head. Kelly Brackett didn't fall for many people but when he did, he fell pretty hard. Joe Early also had a place in his heart for Chelsea too but was more interested in Dixie. Chelsea and Dixie looked at each other and tears streamed down Chelsea's face. Dixie moved to comfort her and tell her everything was gonna be okay.
Dr. Kelly Brackett worked on the young man on the table in front of him. He tried everything he could to get that impaired artery repaired. Johnny would be able to move his hand once again, if he could get the artery repaired. There was silence in the small emergency room, only the sound of the EKG monitor and tools moving on the metal table. Dr. Brackett's eyebrows knitted together in concentration as he did the job he was supposed to. Dr. Mike Morton stood by Brackett's side and handed him the tools he asked for. The firemen were lined up outside, waiting for an answer, wondering if he was going to live. There was so much to discuss between the young men, but the words stuck in the air like ice on a pole. Cap prayed a semi silent prayer for Johnny and soon the other men joined hands and prayed as a group. Marco rushed into the hospital waiting room and spotted the men with their turnout coats on and their heads bowed in prayer. Marco stop short, not wanting to interrupt, and went into the break room instead. He spotted Chelsea and Dixie sitting together at a table, drinking coffee silently. Once the prayer was over, the firemen went back to standing still and waiting. Minutes seemed like hours and they only talked through facial expressions. Mike walked to the break room and the other men followed, except for Chet. He wanted to see if his friend was going to be okay. When the firemen entered the break room, the silence was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Everyone was expecting Johnny to burst into the break room and crack a joke, but he didn't. Even though they had only been waiting 20 minutes, it felt like 2 hours. Brackett finally burst into the room with n non readable expression and looked at all the young faces, waiting for the answer so they could either burst into tears or smile.
"How is he Doc?" Chelsea slowly stands up with the help of Dixie and waits.
"He's stable. I repaired his artery and the scar won't even show when he's healed. He's in treatment 3." Brackett said and all the firemen thanked God.
"Thank you Dr Brackett." Chelsea kissed Brackett's cheek and he blushed. The group went into Johnny's room and each one gave him their regards even though he was unconscious. Chelsea was the last to talk to him.
"Stay alive, we still need you. I love you Johnny." Her lips connected with his cheek and then she turned and walked out.
"Well now that we know he's gonna be okay, you can dub us available." Cap said to Stoker and disappeared out of the ambulance entrance. A few minutes later, Cap motioned Chelsea and Roy outside.
"Look." He pointed by the engine. A red Squad was parked in the original spot. Joe Early stepped out of the drivers side and handed the keys to Chelsea.
"Your new rescue squad. It's just like the old one, equipped with everything the other one had." Dr. Early looked at the Squad and smiled.
"Thanks Dr. Early." Chelsea said and Cap dubbed the Squad available too.
Roy got in the passenger side of the Squad and Chelsea starts up the engine.
"Squad 51 Unknown medical emergency. 34251 Westwood Drive. 34251 Westwood Drive. Cross street Oakly. Timeout 14:23." LA transmitted.
"Squad 51 responding." Roy said and Chelsea switched on the lights and sirens. They drove in silence, preparing themselves for what the medical emergency could be. When it's labeled 'unknown', the paramedics get a little worried. Chelsea turned onto Westwood and pulled into the house number. They got their needed supplies and went up to the door. Chelsea knocked and yelled, "LA County Fire Department!"
"Come in please!" Someone yelled from inside.
"Where are you?" Chelsea looked around while stepping in the foyer.
"Living room." The woman came out and led the paramedics into the living room, to a young man on the couch.
"What happened here?" Roy asked setting up the biophone, while Chelsea checked the patients pulse.
"He screamed and then told me he couldn't breath." The woman looked extremely worried.
"What's his name?" Roy pried her for more information.
"Steve. Steve Hampshire. He's my husband."
"And your name?"
"Betty Hampshire."
"Mrs. Hampshire, does your husband have a history of heart problems? Any heart attacks?"
"Yes. He has had 3 heart attacks and he's got a very bad heart."
"Roy here's the vitals." Chelsea handed Roy the piece of paper with the BP, pulse, respiration and pupil reaction.
"Rampart, this is Squad 51." Roy transmitted.
"Go ahead Squad 51." Dixie received.
"Rampart, we have a male patient, approximate age 25, passed out. We do not know the cause at this time."
"51, do you have the vitals?"
"BP's 70 over 0, pupils are equal and reactive, respiration 12, and pulse is 60 and faint."
"51, does the patient have a history of heart problems?"
"Affirmative. He's had 3 heart attacks in the past."
"51, hook him up to the EKG monitor and send me a strip." Roy turned to Chelsea and she already had him patched in.
"This will be lead 2." Roy sent a strip and waited for the response.
"51, has the ambulance arrived yet?"
"Transport immediately."
"10-4." The orderlies rolled a gurney into the living room and loaded Steve onto the stretcher.
"Where are you taking him?" Mrs. Hampshire asked. M
"To Rampart General ma'am." Chelsea answered.
"I'll go there now!!" She rushed out the door and got in her car. Roy and Chelsea rushed out to the Squad, Roy got in the ambulance with the patient. Chelsea closed the doors on the ambulance and gave two pats on the back window indicating they could leave. The siren picked up and wailed, the lights flashed. Chelsea closed the compartments on the Squad, got in and followed the ambulance to the hospital. She was hoping to see Johnny awake at the hospital. Maybe he was transferred from Emergency into the ICU ward. She didn't know. Before she knew it, the ambulance pulled into the parking lot of Rampart and backed into the ambulance entrance. Chelsea did the same, flipping off the lights and siren. Roy and Chelsea met up inside and followed the gurney into treatment two.
Brackett dismissed the two paramedics and they went to the nurses station.
"Hey Dix! We need some supplies." Roy said and Dixie handed him the sign out sheet for supplies.
"Where's Johnny?" Chelsea asked.
"In ICU. I can take you up there."
"Sure. Roy come up when your done okay?" Chelsea looked back and Roy nodded. Dixie and Chelsea rode the elevator in silence, not wanting to break the professional bond between them. Dixie led Chelsea out of the elevator and into the room where Johnny was placed. Gage was still knocked out. A bag of red blood hung from the IV holder beside his bed, his eyes were closed and he had oxygen on him. Chelsea grabbed his hand and kissed it, almost crying. Her vision became blurred by tears and she did everything she could to try to hold back the tears but, they came flowing down her face in a river. She put her head down him embarrassment, but Dixie saw her tears.
"It's not your fault Chelsea." Dixie said.
"It is my fault though!" Chelsea cried into Dixie's shirt. Dixie hated to see Chelsea crying. Dixie looked down at Johnny and her eyes widened when she saw Johnny looking back at her. Johnny puckered his lips, signaling to be quiet about him waking up. Dixie winked and continued to hug Chelsea close. Roy made his way upstairs to get Chelsea so they could go. Roy quietly pattered into the the room, not wanting to disturb the session. Dixie sensed a presents in the room so she turned around and faced Roy.
"Hey Roy. What's up?" Dixie asked. Hearing Roys name, Chelsea looked up at Roy.
"We have to run Chelsea." Roy says and walks over to Chelsea. He grabs her hand and squeezes it gently. If he wasn't married to Joanne, he would definitely marry Chelsea. They walk out of the room and Dixie makes sure they are far enough away so she can talk to Johnny.
"How do you feel Johnny?" She asked him.
"Like crap. I love her and she's dating Mike." Johnny's voice was quiet.
"Are you ever gonna do that again?"
"It was an accident."
"No it wasn't Johnny. You and I both know that. You have to accept that she likes someone else. I know it's meant to be with you guys but the times not right yet."
"Your right Dixie. Thanks."
Chelsea and Roy arrived at the station and Mike met Chelsea at the Squad door.
"Hey Chelsea could I talk to you alone in the dorm room please?" Mike said and she nodded.
"Come on Mike." She led him into the dorm and closed the door.
"Chelsea, I love you!" Mike said and then he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.

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